Friday, August 1, 2008

Queen's Bloomers Bring In $9000 At Auction

LONDON - Her majesty would not be amused. A pair of Queen Victoria's bloomers, with a 50-inch waist, were snapped up for $9,000 by a Canadian buyer at a central England auction Wednesday.

Auctioneer Charles Hanson said Queen Victoria's underpants belonged to "a very big lady of quite small stature with a very wide girth." She was said to be 5 feet (1.52 meters) tall.

The royal drawers belonged to a family in western England whose ancestor was a lady-in-waiting for the queen.

I'd call that a bloomin' windfall for the seller.

The subject line of the email from Phil stated, "Old Queen's crotchless panties bring $9000". I decided against using that for my headline.

From Yahoo News.


  1. It looks as if I and Jake and a couple of others have been hit by the "spam blog" thing. Seems to be a concerted effort by someone. Very frustrating. Just to let you know.

  2. Scott, thanks for the info. I'll wait to see what happens.

    Is your blog still blocked? It seemed to be OK when I looked just now, but, of course, I can't tell whether you can post or not. I visited Fr Terry earlier today and left a comment, but that doesn't mean that he can post.

  3. A word to the wise. Remove "sitemeter" from your sites. I just did and it works fine now. Thanks, Mimi!

  4. Scott, I have Sitemeter, and the sites work for me. Should I take it off anyway?

  5., not if you are up and running...maybe it's the troll after all?? Anyway, said that they are working on the sites that have been labelled "spam blogs". They got to mine, apparently, but not yet Mark's or Terry's (at least on Explorer.) Sorry to be being a bother, but this has been one heck of an evening. Thanks much. (btw, I got to the Queen's bloomers a day or so ago - LOL.)

    Best and thanks!

  6. (at least on Explorer.)

    Use Firefox. I like it so much better than Explorer.

  7. A 50 inch waist! A big girl!
    I'm fat with an ever tightening 36 inch waist band.

  8. I won't tell you my waist measurement, but I will say that it's less than 50 inches.


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