Friday, August 1, 2008

Thought For The Day (Non-Serious, I Think)

Perhaps the bishops at Lambeth would find it easier to come together in agreement about an Anglican Covenant by including the old club custom of the blackball.


  1. Mimi, there's another glitch with Blogger. Internet Explorer is unable to display a lot of sites,including yours. Firefox is not having the same problem.

    Scott reported on Off-Topic Allowed that SiteMeter seems to be the problem. He removed it from his site, and IE was able to display it again.

  2. Not sure that talking about blackballs is politically correct, what with all this GAFCON business.

  3. Mike, I tell everyone to use Firefox. Firefox plus Sitemeter work fine for me to open Blogger sites. Maybe I should post something to that effect.

    Phil, no racial or sexual overtones intended, and none should be read into what I said. Some bishops seem to want a covenant for exclusionary purposes, so why not have the customary blackball?

  4. Mimi - this is completely off-topic- but I just saw this on Fr Scott's blog and thought if you didn't know, you'd want to.

    "Fr. T., Mark Harris, David G., Grandmere mimi, et al., and any who know how to get in touch with them:

    If you are using a site counter, especially "sitemeter", try removing it from your blog. That cleared up access for me."

  5. Did you see Jim Naughton's quote of your bishop at today's Lambeth press conference?

    "At least Bishop Charles Jenkins of Louisiana had the good grace to say that he recognized that gay people had been disenfranchised, and to say that this presented a moral dilemma for him."

    Keep up the good work.

  6. Thanks, Lapin. The post on Jim's piece is up. thanks for the heads-up.

  7. Well, at first glance, and I never get things right at first glance, I thought you used the word 'blackmail.' I have often thought that is the way things get done everywhere. Yes I know, that's cynical of me...and was going to say, "Why should things be different this year?"

  8. Blackball, blackmail? Does it make a difference? I am definitely suffering from Lambeth fatigue.


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