Saturday, August 30, 2008

So Far, So Good Says Grandmere Mimi!

It is Saturday night, 8.25pm Eastern Time and I just got off the phone with our beautiful and beloved Grandmere.

They have arrived at their destination safe and sound and encountered no bad traffic.

I will update you all periodically as I hear from Grandmere. Prayers for the people of the Gulf Coast.

Gustav- lose your speed and fury!



  1. How wonderful you are to do this, Fran. Let us all pray tonight for all who are at the mercy of the cruel edge of creation.

  2. From another Fran- so glad you could keep us updated.. thanks so much! lovely of you to do this..

  3. Thanks for posting this, FranIAm! I have been worried about them.

  4. Glad to hear you're safe, Mimi, and thanks so much Fran for doing the relay work!

  5. Excellent. Now what about the grandkids? You'll let us know if they all get the heck out of there tomorrow morning (please)?

  6. We're here because we're queer, er, no, not everybody is, but we ARE CLEARLY "queer for you!"

    (probably get

  7. Thanks for the information Fran. We are glad to know Mimi is safe tonight. Prayers continue for all.

  8. Glad to find out you are okay. I was supposed to visit New Orleans on Tuesday -- the hurricane had other plans.

    Hope as many as possible are well...all in Gustav's path are very much in our prayers here in earthquake land.

  9. Thank you thank you, Fran. Next time you talk to Mimi, remind her that all of her groupies are praying for her safety and peace of mind, and also for her beloved family still at home.

  10. I hope everyone is well and truly safe by now, including mimi's daughter's husband and their pets. I hope they've left.

  11. Lots of us in Colorado are hoping and praying for Gustav to go away, but barring that, we're glad Mimi and many others are safe.

    Be well!

  12. Mimi,

    We're thinking of you in Chicago. I hope Our Lady of the Driveway watches over you and all in harm's way. Love and good thoughts to you there.


  13. Mimi
    I hope your daughter AND her husband are now safely out of New Orleans.
    Prayers for you all.

  14. Ain't Fran a peach? I love all y'all, queer or not. In one way or another, we are all queer.

    Jan, sorry about your trip. Our church was to do a work day in NOLA yesterday, but that did not happen.

    I'm putting up a short post. See above.


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