Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hi All

Hi all. I am using my daughter-in-law's computer here in New Roads. Thanks for all the kind messages. As of now, the storm seems to be headed very near to Thibodaux. My son and two grandchildren will ride it out in Thibodaux. I'm sorry about that, but all I can do now is pray for them. My daughter is on her way to Pensacola with her three boys, but I believe she will be a long time getting there. Traffic is horrendous. Her husband is in NOLA with the animals. During Katrina, we were all together here, but now everyone is scattered. Lord, have mercy.

I went to church here this morning, which was a comfort. The stores here are stripped bare. I'm not sure why. Maybe there are other evacuees here, or maybe the locals are getting nervous, because winds here could be as strong as 85 mph.

The only good news for now is that the Gustav's winds are now at 115 mph instead of 140 as they were previously. No matter where the storm makes landfall, the coastal areas of Louisiana will be flooded.

I'll post when I can.

PS: Bush/Cheney will not be at the Republican Convention. John McCain is very likely pleased.


  1. Chere Grandmere Mimi

    So good to have news of you directly.
    I feel for your inquietude with your family spread out at a time like this.

    Here in Montreal,its a glorious, overdue summers day, after an incredibly wet season, but you and all the folks and creatures of the gulf coast are so very much in my toughts and prayers.

    Prayers ascending- incense offered


  2. Mimi! So glad you posted. Prayers and good energy are surrounding you and yours right this very minute.

    Big hugs, too.

  3. You "sound" good, grandmere. Prayers continuing...

  4. Mimi:

    Glad you had a safe trip...the pictures of traffic leaving NO have appeared horrendous.
    Glad you are in a safe haven & have computer access.
    Prayers are with you.


    It's raining as hard as it can down Central America way...maybe we're helping by taking some of the edges of the storm? Who knows, not me.

    Remember, when the going get's tough, head for the bathroom and lock yourselves in.

  6. So glad to hear an update from your end. We will keep all your family and the hundreds of thousands of others in our prayers.

    Nice to see the Cheney/Bush dig at the end. Proves your spirit is still in fine fettle!

    Love and long-distance hugs!

  7. Mimi -- lovely to have you back "home" in blogland. Fran has been great but it's still wonderful to have something from your own keyboard. (borrowed or not -- and thanks to your daughter-in-law -- does she realize how much we wanted to hear from you?)

    Prayers for all.

  8. Continued prayers this side of the Atlantic

  9. so good to hear from you Mimi. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am in the town preparing for the Republican Hurricane next week :(.

    I pray that your whole family is safe.

  10. Grandmere --you continue in my prayers.

  11. Thank God you can blog! I've been yearning to hear from you, even as I give thanks to Fran for passing along messages.

    My dear Mimi, you are so sensible. How did you give birth to these children who are "hunkering down" against the storm?? It befuzzles my brain. :(

    I am glad you made it to church this morning. Please know you were prayed for, by name, in this mid-Missouri parish.

    BTW, our parish observed Katrina Remembrance Sunday today -- remembering all those who suffered in 2005, and now praying for those at risk in 2008.

    I'm not surprised the stores there are stripped bare. The same thing used to happen in Atlanta, during my many years there, when snowflakes began falling north of the Florida line. All the locals went into panic mode.

    Prayers continue for you and your (now) far-flung family.

  12. Watch, Lord, with those who wake, or watch or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Jesus Christ; rest your weary ones; bless your dying ones; soothe your suffering ones; pity your afflicted ones; shield your joyous ones. And all for your love's sake.

    The almighty and merciful Lord,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless you and those you love and keep you safe. Amen.

  13. It is GREAT to see this post Mimi.

    We are all praying for you, as you can see.

    Lots of good wishes for you over at my blog too, from those who don't even know you.

    I am really praying for your family, the ones that are not with you, as well.

    Lord have mercy is right.

  14. Grandmere, I just looked at the map. New Roads just doesn't look that far away from the center of the storm --I shall watch and pray for your safety.

    Down Gustav, DOWN.

  15. Still praying..
    Regarding the PS- yeah he's going to try to divorce himself from them but I heard a cute new name for him - McSame! :-) and that's what he is whether they're there or not.. I hope people realize that.. praying for that one too..
    But mostly for all of you especially the part of the family still there..
    Peace and protection be with you all..

  16. It's so good to hear from you. Saying prayers.

  17. grandmere,

    Lisa's post reminds me to tell you that we, too, prayed for you by name this morning, along with all other evacuees. I just want to tell you that there was an audible response from this otherwise reserved new england yankee congregation (it sounded something like a deeply groaning spirit). Remarkable, really. Just so you know.

  18. Wanted you to know that our Parish also raised the rafters praying for everyone on the Gulf Coast - Yet another reserved New England community with an outburst!

    We've supported and sent a group of 15-18 people down to help with rebuilding for the past two years - Not a bad turnout for our small little church (less than 40 families)- We've been in touch with several EDOLA staff and were very glad to hear from them yesterday! (They've made it safely to Baton Rouge)

    And ditto what Paul said re: the Cheney/Bush dig - I must say that I am so looking forward to YOUR take on McSame's VEEP choice -'Sarah Plain and Tall'!

  19. Yes--mentioned you in Prayers of th People this a.m.

    I pray for safety for all of you and yours.

    and the doggies, and the kittehs, please, God keep watch over them.


  20. I like all the others are glad to hear from you. I will worry less about you and more about the others. Hang in there, Honey!

  21. I've been to New Roads and I think that's a fine spot. I hope your dau-in-law is one who helped clear the local shelves and laid in supplies.

    Like everyone else I'm praying for those who decided to stay behind. I don't understand it but I trust that you raised sensible children.

  22. Can't help posting again, sorry. Let's all pray harder for those remaining in NOLA and surrounds. It's not looking real good right now. Lord, have mercy


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