Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bishop Charles Jenkins Blog

From Bishop Charles Jenkins of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana:

Saturday, September 13, 2008
IKE Update - Saturday Morning
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

There is no communication yet from Texas or Western Louisiana. We continue to pray and hope for the safety of all.

As noted, IKE put more water into southeast Louisiana than did Gustav. A priest wrote this morning saying that he and his family are safe but stranded as their neighborhood is surrounded by water. He fears a rain storm would flood their home. There is a good deal of flooding here on the north shore. Louise and I are fine.

The third choice of the Collects for Mission (see Morning Prayer, Rite II) contains the phrase, that we reaching forth our hands in love. The Collect implies that our reaching forth is like that of our Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross.

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks reflects upon “Love as deed” in his book, To Heal a Fractured World. Quoting Stephen Carter, Sacks writes, In the Jewish tradition . . .civility is called hessed, the doing of acts of kindness – which is in turn derived from the understanding that human beings are made in the image of God...What is hessed? It is usually translated as “kindness” but it also means ‘love’ - not love as emotion or passion, but love expressed as deed. (page 45)

May God grant us grace and resources to continue to the reaching forth of our hands in love. It Is a joy and an honor to share in your reaching forth. I hope for you a quiet, safe and restful day.

Bishop Jenkins


  1. Every time I read about your bishop, or read something he has said, he impresses me.

  2. Tim, I am more and more impressed, too. He's been through the school of hard knocks with his flock, that's for sure. He's been a good shepherd to his own and has also done fine work in reaching out to those not of his flock.


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