Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike And Terrebonne Parish, LA

From Houma Today:

HOUMA – Hurricane Ike so far has flooded more than 13,000 buildings and 200 miles of road, affecting a population of 20,000, according to estimates from parish officals released this morning.

“We were hoping not to have a repeat of Rita, but we have that and worse,” Sheriff Vernon Bourgeois told reporters at a news conference Saturday morning.

As search-and-rescue operations continue in low-lying bayou areas, the water continues to rise in East Houma, where the Intracoastal Waterway and Houma Navigation Canal continue to swell from Ike’s massive surge.

The parish is sheltering about 480 people in four shelters at Houma Junior High, Dumas Auditorium, and the Schriever Recreation Center, which filled to capacity last night, officials said. The parish is working to open up Evergreen Junior High as an additional shelter, while South Terrebonne High is serving as a holding area for those rescued by boat.

In certain coastal areas of southeastern Louisiana, Ike left more damage in its wake than Gustav. Rising water is the danger, and it's rising still.


  1. My niece and her husband in Houma finally got electricity Friday. The kids are still in Bossier City with my sister, they were planning to take them back tomorrow. I hope this doesn't set them back.

  2. For some annoying, unaccountable reason I keep reading the name as "Hurricane Iker".

  3. Jim, my son had electricity earlier in the week, but now their landline phones are out. I worry about the Houma Navigation Canal and the Intracoastal Waterway. The construction of the Houma Navigation Canal was a mistake from the get-go.

    Lapin, I fully understand that. Iker and Ike are/were both quite large.

  4. Actually, Mimi, it has been observed by a number of people, some of whom have drawn a parallel between behavior and height, that Bishop Iker is rather on the short side.

  5. Alf, then that would make him roundish, right?

  6. AND the both the 'Bish' and the storm are full of strong blustery air..

  7. Ike and Iker - twins separated at birth.

    Thanks, Jan.

  8. The difference between Ike and Ikeer is that one is guided by God, and the other only thinks he is guided by God.

  9. Just put up a new In Honor Of Mimi post earlier and now updated it to include this link.

  10. I could post the YouTube clip of Randy Newman, but it would be unkind and also might upset some of your "regulars".

  11. Fran, in behalf of the people of south Louisiana, I thank you, love.

    A, you could give a link. I don't know which Randy Newman YouTube you're referring to.

  12. "Short People". I accidentally sent the last message before I'd finished it - hadn't even finished the alias - and "name" messages cannot be deleted by the sender.

  13. Alf, actually that would fall into the category of not PC, for sure, and one could conclude that it's offensive, too. I'm sure some of my regulars are short people, and, unlike Randy Newman, I love them all. I'm one of God's odd children, and I love all God's other odd children.

  14. Actually Newman has always claimed that it's a satire on prejudice and most people take his word for it. If you don't like it, go ahead and delete it. I can't, because I don't have that function for posts made under a pseudonym.

  15. Alf, I won't delete it. I'm not that persnickety. I can well believe that the song is ironic. It seemed a tad over the top for a straightforward understanding.

  16. Three years ago one Barbara Bush said of Katrina refugees in Texas "Almost everyone I’ve talked to says 'we're going to move to Houston'". She added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them."

    Wonder what Ms. Barbara thinks of all the nice white Texans made homeless in Galveston and Houston by hurricane Iker? Or was this maybe God's way of clearing all those inconvenient colored Katrina victims out of Houston?

  17. Alf, yes. Let's not forget the chuckle. Heh-heh.


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