Saturday, September 6, 2008

Change Of Plans

We will not return home to Thibodaux today. It seems dove hunting season starts today here in New Roads, and the guys want to hunt. I wonder if Sarah Palin would like to join them. They could ask. She's such a hot babe.

As for me, I may just decide to stay here in New Roads to see where Hurricane Ike decides to land. Again it's a roll of the dice to know where to go, but we are provisioned here for life without electric power. I'm sure that Grandpere will want to go back to Thibodaux to run the generator for his freezer. My DIL thinks she will stay here in New Roads, until we know more about the direction Ike will take. I won't stay here alone.

Fran, my dear friend, thanks for posting. You can only post what information I give you, and I can only post what information I have, and GP doesen't always keep me informed of his latest decisions. They're in his head, but sometimes he ain't tellin'. What can I say? Didn't I tell you that we were a crazy family?


  1. When I saw Ike's possible track I wondered if you would decide to stay put. Good to hear you say you will. I would hate to wish Ike on Floria but I'm really praying hard it leaves you alone this time.

  2. A double veep party, Sarah Palin & Dick Cheney, perhaps?

  3. I doubt she could hit a dove. It's too small.

  4. Good idea, perhaps, to wait and see on Hurricane Ike, before returning to Thibodeaux? I see it's up to a category 4. Take care.

  5. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this, Mimi. Yet at the same time I am thankful that damage to you property has been minimal.

    I too am watching Ike with some trepidation. Our move will take place on Thursday and Friday. The piano (a 7-foot Steinway) is due to be moved on Thursday. The furniture due to be moved on Friday. Should Ike head this way, things could be rather complicated. I'm always a complete wreck when the piano is moved. I can't even bear to watch them tip if over and remove the legs. (For those who know about such things, it's an unreplacable gem from Steinway's glory days of the 1920s-40s.)

  6. Palin IS hot. I won't say more but you may be assured I've thought about it...

    The extent to which she's been embraced by the rabid religionistas of the Republican Party though is scary!


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