Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mimi As Channeled By FranIam Once More

I spoke to our beloved Grandmere this morning. The power is back on in Thibodaux so she is headed back there.

Mimi does not think that she will have her cable modem for awhile so it is not clear how often she can post. She will try to use other people's access or the library, if it is functioning.

Otherwise, you are stuck with me kids for a short while longer.

Stay tuned for details about a donation site in honor of Mimi to the people of Louisiana. This is thanks to the efforts of this blogger and friend of Mimi. I am but the mouthpiece... something I do well (deep sigh) so I am to be grateful for and use my gifts as God has given them to me.

Speaking of which, it is not too late to help our friend Jane R who had a tree crash into her house in NC a week ago. Email me at festinalente07 at gmail dot com if you wish to participate and I will explain. (For those who have sent something - thank you deeply, I know Jane will be grateful.)

Thank God for community. Mimi is grateful and we will keep you posted one way or another.

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