Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Dollar Got The Blues" - "Gatemouth" Brown

From the Houston Chronicle:

ORANGE, Texas — Hurricane Katrina chased bluesman Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown from his adopted home in New Orleans -- to the Texas Gulf coast.

Brown died in exile in Orange, where he grew up.

Now another hurricane has disturbed his rest.

The 1982 Grammy Award winner's casket was one of dozens belched up by the ground when Gulf and rain from Hurricane Ike flooded Hollywood Cemetery.

Gatemouth did not R.I.P. Here's Gatemouth performing in Hamburg, Germany, in 1983, and here we are again, 25 years later, with the dollar blues.

Thanks to Paul (A.) at OCICBW for the tip.


  1. I saw Brown in a Hartford club in the Eighties, not long after I got here; a fine artist and a terrific performance; may his soul rest and his remains find it.

  2. I've never seen him perform in person, Johnieb, much to my regret.

  3. One of my earliest memories took place in Orange, TX. It was of blankets over the windows and all of my family's furniture pushed to the middle of the house, and lots of balloons. The balloons were there to distract my brothers and me from the hurricane. This was probably 1961 or thereabouts. I was probably 3, close to 4.

    This is the one my parents feared then, so long ago. God bless you all. My prayers are with you.

  4. Thanks, Laurelew. Nearly all the coastal areas in Louisiana experienced flooding during Ike. The wind was not nearly as bad as in Texas, but as Ike passed the coast, it sent the storm surge into the low-lying areas. As of yesterday, some folks were still awaiting rescue by boat. You can say that they were foolish to stay in their homes, and you'd be right, but now they need help, so they must be helped.


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