Monday, September 15, 2008

Joe "The Mouth" Biden Gets Going

In a conversation with a friend this morning, I discovered that she used the same pet name for Sen. Joe Biden that I did. I assume that he was chosen as Obama's running mate for his vast knowledge of foreign policy and because he would use "The Mouth" to enlighten the electorate on many issues. I've been getting a little impatient waiting for "The Mouth" to get to work. Well, he did today in Michigan, according to TPM. Her's a quote from his speech:

Eight years ago, a man ran for President who claimed he was different, not a typical Republican. He called himself a reformer. He admitted that his Party, the Republican Party, had been wrong about things from time to time. He promised to work with Democrats and said he'd been doing that for a long time

We saw how that story ends. A record number of home foreclosures. Home values, tumbling. And the disturbing news that the crisis you've been facing on Main Street is now hitting Wall Street, taking down Lehman Brothers and threatening other financial institutions.

We've seen eight straight months of job losses. Nearly 46 million Americans without health insurance. Average incomes down, while the price of everything -- from gas to groceries -- has skyrocketed. A military stretched thin from two wars and multiple deployments.


Eight years later, we have another Republican nominee who's telling us the exact same thing:

This time it will be different, it really will. This time he's going to put country before party, to change the tone, reach across the aisle, change the Republican Party, change the way Washington works.

We've seen this movie before, folks. But as everyone knows, the sequel is always worse than the original.

Barack Obama believes that progress in this country is measured by how many people have a decent job where they're shown respect. How many people can pay their mortgage. How many people can turn their ideas into a new business. How many people can turn to their kids and say "It's going to be okay" with the knowledge that the opportunities they give will be better than the ones they received.

That's why his tax cuts - benefit the middle class. That's why he'll make it easier for families to afford college for their kids. That's why he says everyone should be able to have the same health care that members of Congress have. That's why his energy plan will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, bring down gas prices, and, in the process, we'll create five million new green jobs. Those are the changes we need.

Yo, Joe! State in simple, straightforward words what has happened over the last eight years of the Bush administration. Then ask, "Do we want four more years, or eight more years of the same?"

In plain English, Obama will not increase taxes on anyone earning under a quarter of a million dollars a year. If anyone tells you different, then they are lying.


  1. Yes, Mimi, here's the Youtube link. He builds up and up!

  2. great to hear this, Mimi! this needs to get out more.

  3. Susan, thanks for the link. I'll watch tomorrow.

    Diane, in my small way, I'm trying.

  4. I dearly hope that people will listen to the sense that Biden is making . . . but the "evil enchantment" that the Republican party has woven seems depressingly strong.

  5. Mark, I have days when I'm driven to near despair, and then I rebound and begin to hope again.

  6. Good news, grandmere. And black sheep has more this morning...

  7. Read Bob Herbert's column on the McPain proposal for health care (today's New York Times). Other than hearing Terry Gross (whom I know some of you don't like much) interview someone who exposed the plan for how terrible it is, the media has not picked up on this horrible plan. They are still stuck on lipstick on a pig.

    As for the media or Repugnicans making fun of Biden's speaking, the fact that he overcame a bad stutter is more important than the slips he might make.

  8. Joe is my Senator from Delaware, and we've had many "say it ain't so, Joe" moments. This was one of his more eloquent speeches. BUT, one day last week, while lunching with a friend, we listened to him tell why Hillary was a better candidate for vice president than he. We looked at one another and bemoaned "Oh no, Joe". Sometimes he doesn't know when to stop. But I like him anyway.

  9. Agree with caminante, the Bob Herbert Op-Ed is a MUST READ for anyone who cares about health insurance (which I'm sure is all of us).

    And it was good to see Joe get going and nice to see who is doing the real "straight talk."

  10. Indeed! Thanks for the links. The sleeping giant seems to be awakening from its dreams of pigs wearing lipstick. Al Hunt? Wow!

    Bob Herbert's column on McPain's health care plan is masterful.

    Suzanne, I have often wished that Biden would just STFU, but I was pleased to see him use "The Mouth" for a good purpose, and I pray he continues to do just that.

  11. I truly believed that Biden would be so good at this. Hillary, much as I adore her personally, would have dragged her Clinton baggage into the arena and been a diversion. The polls are turning back to our advantage. The end game shall be the debates, which should finish off the McCain lie.

  12. McCain's campaign seems to be undergoing at least a temporary meltdown. Did anyone see the video of his appearance at a factory today? At the end of his speech, as he walked out, the workers started up an "Obama, Obama!" chant. That's gotta hurt.


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