Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Funnies

Stunt Over: McCain To Attend Debate Tonight

After a campaign "suspension" that basically amounted to a head-fake, the McCain camp has come full circle in less than 48 hours, announcing that the campaign is "resuming" and that the debate is on.

From Senator Harry Reid:

Reid: "Presidential Politics Has Not Been Helpful -- It's Been Harmful"

John McCain has not taken a stand on the bailout, "all he has done is stand in front of the cameras," Sen. Reid said at a press conference.

From TPM.

[House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi: McCain’s involvement 'a blip'

“He hasn't been involved in this, and now, as there's some discussion about putting this off, I don't think that we can do that,” Pelosi said on “Good Morning America.”

“I think Sen. McCain's involvement is sort of a blip.”

From Politico via TPM.


  1. What an amazing debacle. Between McCains bizarre stunt and Palin's inability to keep her feet out of her mouth, yesterday was an astounding day.

    Now someone tell me again why these people have been nominated for the two highest offices in the land. I can't figure it out.

  2. Beats me, Mike. Better the debacle now than two months from now, after they'd been elected. I can't relax, because I fear it could still happen.

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