Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Wants To Postpone The Debate

From the New York Times.

John McCain wants to postpone the debate scheduled for tomorrow night to rush back to DC to deal with the financial crisis. What do you think? Read Juan Cole on the request and the announcement that he is temporarily suspending his campaign. Oh well, it wasn't going well anyway.

Very suspicious that as soon as Obama is up 9% in the polls, all of a sudden the mess the Republicans made is so important that McCain can't go on competing with his rival.

I wonder if Sarah Palin will suspend hers. I loved her meet-the-world-leaders photo-ops with no reporters present, just the pictures for future use. Again to Juan Cole. Part of her discussion with President Hamed Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, was about the meaning of his son's name. I hope she made a note of that for the debate with Biden. It could come in handy.

Is these politicians running scared?


  1. You know, they've got to pull this out somehow...the Sarah Palin boost is falling apart...trouble with a false advertising the product fallsapart FAST! I think they are regrouping McCain and Palin albeit seperately...the less seen/said about Palin the better as she wears very thin (even with those who WISH HARD she was/is spiritually/religiously sound enough to wander about the White House without supervision)...McCain needs to reposition himself, in his Senate Maverick, "that damn Bush" setting...badmouthing Bush/others may be the key to reengergizing the McCain campaign (it would be/is a normal thing for Obama to do)...remember, NOTHING is sacred with these folks and they will DO ANYTHING to get what they insist and demand they must have (we see it at The Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion too)...trying to be "reasonable" with over-the-edge zealots won't work...they've got to be STOPPED...the more firm the "no" the better for humankind...McCain will try and become McCain again...however, the illusion I don't think will work. I think they are more than on the run...disaster is looming, animals are!

  2. It's that old "country first" BS that McCain always pulls. Funny how such a selfish asshat has convinced so many people that he's altruistic.

  3. Huffington Post's analysis that "the only thing that's changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling" about says it. Fox now has McCain down six points.

    Huffington Post commentator Nico Putney pertinently remarks that "John McCain has skipped more votes during this session than any member of the Senate except for Tim Johnson, who had major brain surgery". Should make a doozie of a Obama campaign ad.

    On another tack, the University of Idaho, flush with the cachet garnered from its hitherto unsuspected connection with Sarah Palin (the last of the many colleges she attended and the one from which she graduated), has decided it is no longer appropriate for its cheerleaders to dress like pole dancers. Too many "Idaho" jokes, I guess.

    The $2200 cost of new outfits for the entire squad suggests that they won't be wearing a whole lot more this time around.

  4. For those puzzled by the reference in the Telegraph article to the placement of the U of Idaho logo on football players uniforms -

  5. The Real True Bishop Clumber of the NEW Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh speaks!

    This cracked me up when Lapin sent me the link. I don't know why I'm laughing, because I fear that McCain could still pull off a win. I forgot to give you credit, Lapin.

    Leonardo, I believe that McCain has totally forgotten who the old McCain is, and he doesn't follow orders from his staff, so bringing the old McCain back again is likely impossible. He'll have to find another rabbit (sorry, Lapin) to pull out of his hat.

    Ruth, at one time I respected McCain, years and many different McCain personae ago.

    Lapin, now you've put me to work. I've got to go read your links. Didn't I teach you how to do hyperlinks?

  6. You did and I forgot how. I always go to the Thinking Anglicans "comments" panel and format the URL so that it will link directly when pasted into a blog comment. Occasionally I will absent-mindedly post something hair-raising by hitting the TA "post" button, then I have to contact Simon Sarmiento, asking him to ignore and delete.

  7. Lapin, here's the hyperlink to the page with instructions - again.

  8. I think McCain is confused. His decision won't play well. Obama got way ahead of him the minute he said that presidents-to-be ought to be able to handle more than one important thing at a time. I think McCain just lost the election. Huzzah.

  9. I somehow do not think this is about running scared, but it is rather about manipulation.

    Suddenly John "Country First" McCain wants to actually (cough cough) go to Washington to work on things.

    He is manipulating things, making himself look like a patriot.

    I have long feared this election not happening - and I fear that very much right now.

    The GOP is pulling the strings.

  10. Well, it's brilliant, strategically. McCain rides into DC on a white horse to broker a bipartisan agreement, bla bla.

    Once again, I smell a Rove.

  11. I don't think this will play well, either. McCain looks pathetic, not at all presidential. Unless this will get him the sympathy vote. And we think Cheney/Bush is bad. I can't even imagine a McCain/Palin administration.

    Jane, what's he going to broker? I read somewhere that no more than 50 in the House favor Paulson's bailout bill. I don't doubt Rove is in this, but I doubt he can pull off his Svengali act again.

    Of course, I could be wrong.

  12. Don't advertize what you haven't got to sell...

  13. Mimi wrote, "McCain looks pathetic, not at all presidential. Unless this will get him the sympathy vote."

    Yeah, I agree. But I also heard some of Obama's response to this on NPR this morning. I really wish the guy could sound more sure of himself when making off the cuff comments. He hesitated, said 'um' waaay too much, and generally sounded like he wasn't entirely sure what to say.

    I know he's smart and thoughtful, and I certainly have a distaste for "sound bite" journalism - but looking like your not sure of yourself doesn't play well in Peoria :(

  14. Geez... "you're"

    Can't type... must have caffeine...

  15. The news late this afternoon indicates that there is strong opposition to the bail-out plan from the Republican right, who might stall or wreck the proposal. Knowing this - and I am sure that McCain knew it yesterday afternoon or ealier - you can see why he saw an urgent need to put his campaign on hold and return to Washington. If the bail-out fails in the face of Republican opposition, his candidacy could be mortally damaged.

  16. Lindsay Graham has indicated that the divine Sarah is willing to give up her debate so they can move the Presidential debate to "her" time slot. Perhaps THAT's what this s**t is all about.

  17. Göran, hm....

    David, I believe that it's possible that Obama has a slight stuttering problem. He does stumble a bit from time to time. He's better with a crowd than in his one on one interviews. But when I consider the alternative, his little problem is as nothing. The question is: are Obama learning?

    Lapin, I believe the Democrats have an alternative plan that does not give carte blanche to Paulson.

    SusanKay, I'm sure Sarah would love to give her debate time away. I thought she was supposed to be a quick study, but I was not impressed by her in her interview with Katie Couric.

    And watching the news, I see that McCain's suspension of his campaign and rush back to DC seems to have resulted in his throwing a big wrench into the works of the negotiations for the bailout.


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