Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama's Video Response

Here's the link to Think Progress to see the video of Obama's response to McCain's suggestion to postpone the debate.

Note at TP: In a poll taken "immediately after John McCain's announcement" today, SurveyUSA found that only 14% of Americans want the debates suspended.

Thanks to Paul (A.).


  1. Oh, excellent response.

    Yup, dealing with more than one thing at once is kinda part of the job...

  2. I ran across something saying that McCain proposes to replaced the VP debate with the rescheduled debate.

    Hmmm ... Just as his poll numbers are collapsing and the Veep Babe screwed up bigtime in her interview with Katie Couric.

    Such a "patriot"

  3. This ploy by McCain to direct attention away from his troubled campaign is so obvious to me. I hope that many others see it the same way, but I'm far from sure.


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