Sunday, September 14, 2008

We Both Missed It

As if our lives haven't been eventful enough, we had another event this morning. It's not Christmas, and it's not Easter, but Grandpère announced that he was going to church with me. I said, "Really!" He said he thought he should go to give thanks to God that the members of our family are all safe and our homes made it through Gustav and Ike with no damage or relatively light damage. And isn't that exactly right?

At the time in the service for prayers for birthdays and anniversaries, GP turned to me and asked me what was the date of our anniversary. He did know it was this month. I thought for a minute and said, "It was yesterday." We both missed the anniversary of 47 years of wedded bliss, and the rest of the family forgot, too. We are all still rattled and revved up from the serial hurricanes. GP and I went up for prayer with the hope of spending further years together. Afterwards, we went to lunch in a local restaurant for a quiet celebration with just the two of us. I got a little buzz from my one glass of wine, and all is now cool.


  1. I figure that society should be giving standing ovations to couples like you. Many, many congratulations.

    Did I send you an mp3 of my song 'Finest of Wine'? It's the one I wrote about this time last year and shared with you and GP on my blog. I now have a half-decent mp3 of a live performance of it, so I'll send it on if I didn't do so already.

  2. Tim, I remember your tribute to us last year and listening to the song at your blog, and I liked it a lot. I'd love to have the MP3. Thank you.

    Note: my wine buzz is gone now.

  3. Congratulations, Grandmere. Let's have a real party when you've reached 50, or 60 even!

  4. Mimi, what a wonderful, touching story! You and GP are blessed to have each other!

    woof to you both!

  5. Happy anniversary, Grandmère and Grandpère!!!

  6. Thank you all. If we can hang onto life this side of the kingdom for three more years, we will most certainly celebrate with a big party for the 50th anniversary.

  7. Happy Anniversary, grandmere. You obviously have a sweetie for a husband. May your home be a haven of blessing and peace and no more hurricanes for a very long time.

  8. Thanks, Scott. I'll give a loud and hearty "AMEN!" to no more hurricanes for a while.

  9. Happy anniversary on your 47th year of marriage. Wishing you many more happy years.

  10. Happy Anniversary to the two of you. I wish for you a very uneventful year until the 48th!

  11. Congratulations Grandmere and Grandpere! Many, many blessings upon you--and much joy in the future!

  12. Hey, happy anniversary! Sorry I read this after I had my wine with dinner. So tomorrow I will lift a toast. It's still within the octave.

  13. A special occasion to celebrate love between a very special couple. Thank you for letting us know so we may share your joy and wish you many happy years ahead, blessed with good health, good times, and ever-abounding love. My very best to you and Grandpère!

  14. happy anniversary, and at least as many more (unless you find a handsome young studmuffin to run off with)

  15. Happy Anniversary, Mimi and Grandpere!

    Yes, if you had remembered we coulda had us a bigass party!!!

  16. Don't worry about missing the anniversary, as every day is special.

  17. I sent my father a message for his anniversary last week and he replied that they had both forgotten it, but that friends had reminded them on the day. And that's after only 14 years of marriage.

    Happy anniversary to you two. You're amazing. There should be a "Grandmere and Grandpere" award for lovely couples like you.

    47 years of Mimi and he's still cool. That's the sort of president the U.S.A. could do with.

  19. Sorry, MP---If I'm going to vote, it'll be for Mimi. I think a world ruled by Mimi would totally rock.

    Congratulations, Mimi and Grandpere! May you continue to grow in grace and love all your days.


  20. Better late than never ...

    Congratulations and big hugs to both of you.

  21. Grandmere Mimi - the president who led to the comment, "Genghis Khan - he was a pussycat."

  22. Bonne anniversaire!

  23. Well, belated congratulations from over here.

  24. Congratulations!
    Who would have thought that hurricanes could blow spouses closer together?

  25. Many many happies, belatedly of course, on those years of wedded bliss and not-so-bliss!

  26. Thanks all for the blessings and congratulations. Gee, even you, MadPriest, in for your semiannual visit.

  27. Given all that's been going on, it's a wonder he remembered the month of your anniversary. Congratulations, Mimi!

  28. Given who Grandpere has been married to for 47 years it's a wonder he remembers his own name.

  29. Who's this MP troll that inhabits your website like a virus, Grandmère? You might want to consider some kind of comment screening. Of course, it is all blessing to have one's personal cross to bear.

    Congratulations regarding your anniversary! You have good reason to have forgotten the actual day. I hope Grandpère had a blessed time at church and everyone was cool about that.

  30. What a treat to happen by just in time to wish you congratulations and many blessings on your enniversary. Wishing all the best for you both.

  31. Thanks, Ormonde. Neither of us could be angry at the other for forgetting the big day.

    Who's this MP troll that inhabits your website like a virus, Grandmère?

    KJ, more like a stalker, wouldn't you say? Should I report him?

    Thanks, Pastor David.

  32. Happy Anniversary to you and Grandpere!!

    Very glad that you are all right.

  33. Belated congratulations & very best wishes for many more happy anniversaries. You all were brave to get married during hurricane season, especially in 1961. Hurricane Carla hit TX & sw LA in Sept., then later Hattie demolished much of Belize. Bad year for hurricanes, good year for marriages.

  34. I've just been given the book, "The Anglo Files" by Sarah Lyall. My favorite second favorite line (I left my first favorite line at MP's) so far is "Continental people have a sex life; the English have hot water bottles."

    Which is why Mimi quite wisely chose a Frenchman as her lifetime lover.

    Dance, my darlings, dance. May your life together be a an endless, joyful, sexy dance.

  35. Thanks again for the lovely words.

    Elizabeth, you are correct. Despite the English (or Irish, as my FIL claimed) name, Grandpère is French. He is adopted.

  36. Best, best wishes to the two of you. (What say, everybody -- next year let's show up and surprize them?!)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Just waking up to the news. Happy Anniversary Mimi and wasn't that fun to have Grandpere along to church!

  39. I can relate. My husband and I both forgot ours a couple of years ago. We had talked of it a couple of weeks before and discussed what we might do, and then the next time we thought of it, it was by by two days. We just laughed and forgot about it. We certainly had no big event such as you had Mimi that would cause it however. Just forgot, plain and simple. LOL.

  40. Woof, wOoF, wOOf, congratulations Grandmère Mimi and Grandpère too!

    (Lindy too)

  41. Boaz, I'd like him to make a habit of it, but I don't nag. That would definitely be counterproductive.

    As I said, if we're still around by the 50th, we'll have a big party, maybe in New Orleans, and I'll invite all my virtual friends and expect you to be there in person, not virtually.

    AFeather, it's good to know that we're not the only ones to forget.

    Rowan, your congratulations are the bestest.

  42. Oh Goodie! This means I have 3 years to save up for a ticket!

  43. Many, many congratulations to you both!
    What a wonderful accomplishment and really inspiring.

    Congrats Mimi

  44. It hasn't always been easy. We've surely had our ups and downs, as have most couples.

  45. Congrats on surviving marriage, hurricanes, and visits from MP. Isn't life fun?

  46. Belated anniversary wishes to both you and Grandpere. If I'd knon, I'd have baked a cake? No, perhaps a real bread pudding decorated with candles (not that you can find the correct type of bread here in D.C).

    I think you found the best way to celebrate - being thankful that everyone in your family is safe. What a nice gift from above.

  47. Chris, Lynn, I can hardly hold it against anyone else for being late, can I? Thanks.


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