Monday, September 15, 2008

Thought For The Day

Before the oil and gas companies contributed in large part to the destruction our wetlands in Louisiana, with their criss-crossing pipelines, we were much better protected from hurricanes. Therefore the oil and gas companies, who are, even now, raking in record profits at your expense and my expense, should pay for the restoration of our wetlands.


  1. There's an interesting thought! Would be a better shot at environmental stewardship too.

  2. Yeah, well, I didn't hear anyone in Louisiana complaining about all that tax revenue... you are all complicit in that whether you like it or not. From one who benefits similarly in south Texas.

  3. Lindy, how are you? I've been concerned about you.

    You are, of course, correct. We allowed and encouraged the development and the drilling. Most of the pipelines are quite old, laid out in the 30s and 40s, and Louisianians did not realize the serious consequences at the time. They are, in fact, dangerously old.

    Just as we are all complicit in the Iraq war, because our representatives in Congress, including the Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, voted for funding it.

    So, yes, in that same sense, we are complicit. The Louisiana state politicians cheated many landowners out of their royalties by buying up the mineral leases during the depression when many folks needed cash, because they had prior knowledge of the development by the oil and gas companies. But I still want the oil and gas companies to pay.

  4. It would only be a drop in the bucket to the oil company profits.

  5. Exactly. A drop in the bucket for them.


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