Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Word From Houston

My friend in Houston came through Ike quite well. She lost power for a only a few hours, and her internet connection is back up. She has an elderly friend staying with her until her power is restored, and also another friend's dog. My friend is my age, so, of course, she is not elderly - yet. She'd better not be, because that would mean that I am elderly, too. Here's what she had to say:

But it's sunny and cool - much more pleasant for "clearing brush".

I'm sure that Poppy and Barb are hard at work, too.


  1. The son of a friend of ours wasn't so lucky. The roof came off of his Houston apartment building, and he lost everything.

    And he feels fortunate compared to a friend of his who lost his home and then his job at Lehman Brothers.

    We did just fine here, just a couple of breezy days and a few sorely need rainstorms.

  2. Mike, I'm glad you came through it all well. So many folks didn't. And the folks who are losing their homes and their jobs. It's overwhelming.

  3. I wish I could convince myself that it's over--at least for now--but I'm not altogether certain we are not seeing the beginning of the end, at least for "the American Way of Life."

    All y'all should take into account that I'm a "Half-full: toxic" glass person.

  4. Johnieb, no way it's over. The stock market tanked again today. Worse times are ahead, but I'm not sure how much worse.

  5. This could have been so much worse, as bad as it was. I do fear the eventual Galveston death toll. Prayers of thanks, though!

  6. WE, it could have been a lot worse. I'm surprised at the low body count from Galveston, too. I hope no more are found.


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