Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Economy a "Mixed Picture"

I heard on NPR that Dana Peroxide said the economy was a "mixed picture". This after Bush and McWorse have been consistently saying that the economy is "fundamentally sound". Could they actually be slouching toward reality?


  1. It is mixed Mimi... it is a toxic combo of "fucked up" and "fucked up beyond total belief."

  2. I heard more later on NPR on the evils of deregulation and the lack of transparency in the transactions in which complicated bundles are bought and sold by financial institutions, with folks not even knowing what they are buying and selling, nor having any idea of the true worth of what's passing back and forth.

  3. I've not read McWorse before...thanks for's very appropriate.

    I think we are all being abruptly dislodged from a terminal con game of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove grab and run, whistle in the dark and play PRETEND...all the reality of the true ugliness, sloppiness and greediness of the past eight years is rotting and splitting and exposing the thin/cheap appearance leadership...I'm amazed Bush can show his face in public (but I guess the likes of Sarah Palin prove the deadly plague is NOT in remission but still actively infecting our society with false cures and get-rich-quick/schemes insteand of hope).

    It's basic, it's deceit.."there is a emotionally/spiritually SICK sucker born everyday"..the Republican behind-the-scenes creedo is NOT the AMERICAN WAY!

  4. Leonardo, sadly, Cheney/Bush won't pay the price. We will.

  5. slouching toward reality? --nah. no way. They stepped on the wrong end of the rake, and it flew up and hit them square in the face.

  6. Margaret, I love that. Much better than my words. McWorse seems a little dazed and confused these days, and Palin is looking more and more like a pathological liar. She lies about things when she doesn't even have to and doesn't bother to keep track of her made up stuff. She then ends up contradicting herself.

  7. I admit to a certain paranoia, and this isn't specifically about the economy, but:

    The federal government's mandated a universal "upgrade" to digital broadcasting, which has caused rolling losses in signal when PBS did it here, and for which we rabbit-ear folks will either have to buy a converter or do without.

    The federal government, when confronted about sky-rocketing gas prices, said they wanted people to stop gassing up and travel less.

    Is it just me, or are we being maneuvered into having information and travel restricted?

  8. Mimi,
    a very happy birthday from me too!
    A HUGE virtual chocolate cake is on it's way to you.

  9. Happy birthday, Mimi! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  10. Paranoia, Mark? In these days of wine and roses? How can that be?

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I put up a special post for the good wishes to flood in. No ego involved whatsoever. I promise you.

  11. Mimi
    today you're allowed an ego!
    What am I saying - have two!

  12. It would be nice if the "common folk Republicans," and there are some out there who voted for Bush in the face of their being downgraded economically over the last 8 years will finally realize that this can't be blamed on Libruls and change their minds about their dogged determination to vote for McWorse and Lipstick Liz. It would be nice, but I'm afraid it ain't gonna happen...

  13. Susan, I've thought about the "common folk Republicans", too, and wondered what keeps them voting the party line.

    Also, I saw Sen. Kay Hutchinson (R-TX) on the tee vee defending McWorse's choice of Palin as his running mate. I thought, "Woman, what's wrong with you? You would have been a better choice."


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