Friday, October 3, 2008

Biden Won Dammit!

Biden was very good, beyond my hopes. Palin was terrible. One of them is going to be vice-president of the United States. This not a beauty contest. If McCain/Palin win, Sarah Palin will be one heartbeat away from the presidency of a 72 year old man who has many health problems in his past. She is so far out of her depth, that it is pathetic to put her out there as a serious candidate. She makes Dan Quayle look like a genius.

What's with the maverick, maverick, maverick? Why is it a big deal that she and McCain are mavericks? Is the maverick meme the equivalent of "Bush is a guy I'd like to have a beer with"? God help us, then. Mavericks, Joe Six-pack? Yes. Let's search out the least common denominator between the two teams, give them a six-pack, and crown them. Good, good, good for the country. Good for the world.

We'll have two more opportunities to see if John McCain can reign in his fury at having submit to debating a junior senator.

Will Palin do more interviews with the mainstream media, or will she continue to be muzzled? How did we get to this place?


  1. Palin will exclusively do appearances on right wing shows from now until the election. I'll betcha. Her best strategy right now is blame the media while trying to whip up the base.

  2. Maybe so, Bubs, but sometimes she's pretty bad even with friendly questions.

    She can blame me, too. I can take it.

    Did anyone else see Pat Buchanan on MSNBC last night?

  3. I couldn't believe that some of the pundits actually said she "won." She did exceed expectations and maybe that's what they meant. But,she did not win the debate. Not by debating standards. Not by a long way.

    As usual you are spot-on.

  4. Lindy, thanks. Palin didn't fall flat on her face. For her, that's "winning". Sheesh. Low expectations rule!

  5. Here in Indianapolis, an "undecided" voter who watched the debate with the press said she won because she seemed "less presidential" than Biden, and that was what this voter was looking for. This whole business scares me -- intelligence and competence are dismissed and disdained as "elite," and ignorance is praised as "real" and "refreshing." It's as if the failed policies of the past 8 years mean nothing. If McCain/Palin win, they'll be rallying their base around book-fueled bonfires by this time next year. God help us all.

  6. I thought she did pretty well, if you assume the debates are a form of late night talk show. Lots of laughs, you betcha. Biden wasn't nearly as funny. But what were they looking at on the podiums?

  7. Just wait. We have the Bristol/Hockey Kid (shotgun) wedding coming up. They will have lots of camera mugging time, without the pesky questions.

  8. Palin certainly has picked up the inside-the-beltway-Republican delusional habit of speaking as if she lives in an alternate universe.

    Yes, I saw poor old Pat Buchanan last night. He's got a bad case of alternate universe as well.

  9. I could only stand to watch the debate for about 10 minutes at a time-Palin drives me absolutely straight up the wall-that "folksy" manner, her not answering questions, plus that crazed look in her eyes coupled with that big grin makes me think of the cult members one used to encounter in airports and subway stations.

    The thought that this individual could become president is beyond belief.

  10. "Maverick" = We're not anything like Dubya.

    Right. Like, we're really gonna fall for that one.

    If it looks like an idiot and talks like an idiot (albeit it a well rehearsed one) and walks like an idiot, it's an idiot - no matter the political position.

    And, I'm sorry. Palin may have 'regained ground' and Biden 'held his own,' but I find myself this morning with Hillary still on my mind.

  11. Indeed, we can't have a president who looks presidential. Why that would be terribly embarrassing.

    Should (God forbid!) McCain/Palin be elected, Palin could be a real pain in the ass to McCain. I don't see her fading into the background.

    Dan, the wedding! I forgot about the shotgun wedding. Won't that remind folks that the young people "did it" without benefit of clergy?

    Paulas, we could see book burning. I hope that we'd be spared witch burning. Palin's got the blessing of that witch-hunting pastor, you know.

  12. Ormonde, they had notes. At times, while Biden was talking, Palin was reading madly. When she thought she had a good riposte, she'd brighten up like a game show contestant who thinks they know the answer.

    It was not easy to stay the course with Palin. She gets on my nerves majorly, majorly. I doubt that the debate changed many minds.

    Elizabeth, love, ya gotta let goooo with the might have beens. It's hard. I know. I have might have beens, too.

    I would not want to be the next president, because dealing with our shipwreck of state will be one hell of a challenge.

  13. On these kind of "debates" I think the only way to determine a winner is to see if they lead to any change in voter preference.

    If Gov. Palin did nothing but blow kisses for ninety minutes, and her ticket's popularity went up measurably, I think we'd have to say she "won."

    At the moment it appears neither side won, in that sense. That is to say, it looks like the (favorable) numbers are holding steady.

  14. Rick, expectations for Palin were so low, that you could say she won. Biden was the best I've seen him, ever. He's a bit of a grandstander sometimes, but alway quite knowledgeable. So, I'd say he won, too, which I did. I doubt that many minds were changed, and undecideds probably broke both ways.


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