Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wrong Again

This morning, my granddaughter went to her appointment with the orthodondist to have her braces adjusted. Grandpère took her this morning and brought her to school after the visit. Later in the morning, she called me saying that a wire in her braces was hurting her, and could I pick her up at school to return to the orthodontist's office to have it fixed. I said yes, but that I would have to get ready. Trust me when I say that I could not meet the world outside my house without first having a shower and washing my hair. I just could not.

I didn't pay attention to the time, and, by the time I picked her up at school and we arrived at the office, it was closed for lunch. When I picked her up at school, she said to me with a withering look, "It took you a long enough time to get here." I nodded in agreement. When we found the office locked, she was, shall we say, pissed. She knocked and rang the bell until finally a woman came to the door and said that no one who was there could help her.

Off we headed back to school, and we decided to wait until after school to have the wire fixed, which we did.

This mothering. It's not easy.

And now, I'm soooo looking forward to the debate tonight. You can visit Jane R. to find out what the gang will be drinking during the fun time.


  1. I am here- debate is on and I have my wine.

  2. OOps- hit send too soon.

    What I wanted to add was that this mothering is hard!

    Fuck- speaking of mothering she is using soccer moms for her first answer and she is being very articulate.

    Where is the wire?

  3. She's got notes.

    She's also really appealing to the anti-intellectual, populist-but-not-thinking-though-issues (as opposed to populist-and-doing-analysis) and unfortunately, she is doing a good job at repeating and repeating catch-phrases. "Greed on Wall Street." How is she managing to keep repeating that McCain wants oversight when he was for deregulation?

    Joe needs to look into the camera more and flash that nice smile. Sarah is doing her beauty queen thing. Did you see her wink during her initial statement?

  4. Soccer moms, Joe Six-pack? I've got to admit that she's doing better than I expected. She's like someone on a quiz show, when she thinks she has the answer, she brightens up. She's reading madly while Joe Biden (not Joe-Sixpack) is talking.

  5. Good - Joe Biden has looked at the camera and stressed the fundamental difference between him and McCain: ending the war. Sarah Palin says that would be a "white flag of surrender."

  6. Nucular, nucular. She's lost in the Middle East.

  7. John McCain knows how to win a war, because he's been in a war? Did we win that war?

    God bless the teachers! Indeed!

    Now she's competing for Miss Congeniality. How about the nose wrinkling?

    Flexibility. We'll do what's best for the American people. Yay!

    Good for Biden. He was a single father. He knows about family life struggles.

    She did not fall on her face. The Republicans must be rejoicing.

    Biden's closing statement was good.

  8. I loved his "McCain is not a maverick.... that's not a maverick.... that's not a maverick, etc., etc., etc. And I almost cried when he almost cried.

    I don't know who won, but I'm still votin' for Obama/Biden.

    Oh, did anyone else hear her call them Obama/Obiden?

  9. Biden did well, or so I thought. Palin was not good in so many ways, but I'm afraid most folks won't get it. Pat Buchanan was so excited by Palin that I thought he would wet his pants. She was "sensational".

    I missed the Obama/OBiden.

  10. Oh, Lord. The beauty queen winking routine. Straight talkin' nucular. Alas, some will love it.

    Mimi, I drank two bottles of our local beer, Natty Green's. Had the Amber Ale. Decided to drink American and local. In honor of the fact that we are going to WIN North Carolina.

    Okay kids, let's get some sleep, and tomorrow, back in the saddle.
    Si, se puede.

  11. Oops, that's Natty Greene's with an e on the end.


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