Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain's Snarling Mob

I've spoken before about what a dangerous game I think the McCain/Palin campaign plays in trying to rouse fear about Obama in the electorate. The video demonstrates the results of that tactic. They're ugly, and even McCain seems to think that things are getting out of hand. You reap what you sow, Senator. Will he stop the vicious ad campaign? Will he muzzle himself, but especially, will he muzzle Palin? I think not.

Josh Marshall at TPM says:

And yet this conveys too much suggestion of planning and intent. I have more the sense of someone desperately casting about and losing control of the situation itself. Even hypocrites can get in over their heads. Indeed, in a more nuts-and-bolts strategic sense McCain has really gotten himself into a hole because the campaign he's been running has almost entirely been premised on the claim that you should be scared of an Obama presidency. Not that McCain, if he'd run a very different campaign, couldn't have run on issue disagreements with Obama. But right now if you take away fear of Obama becoming president, there's almost no reason not to vote for him since McCain has basically conceded the issue agenda to Obama. If you look at every poll for months, voters are dying for change. Fear of Obama is the only thing keeping him from leaving McCain in the dust. Take that away and McCain's done.

Further, Juan Cole at Informed Comment says:

So having created this foaming-at-the-mouth mob, McCain finds himself booed by it when he offers some pro forma boilerplate about Obama being decent and a family man. But his campaign ads haven't been alleging decency, they've been alleging "terrorist ties." You can't wave raw meat dripping blood at Doberman Pinschers and then suddenly pull it away without producing snarling, baring of incisors, and straining at the leash.

I have nothing further to add.


  1. The mood around McCain reminds me of the mood in Texas in the fall of 1963. This is truly scary, and I hope the Secret Service is alert.

  2. Ormonde, you put into words what I fear to put into words.

  3. I think that perhaps McCain had a decent moment and remembered who is is during that Town Hall meeting.
    I'm sure his handlers weren't happy with him if that was the case.
    It will be interesting to see what happens next.

  4. Jim, right now, he is a senator in the United States Congress, and his type of campaign dishonors his office. What is he thinking? Call me cynical, but I don't think much will change.

  5. And he has the unmitigated gall to claim that he puts his country first.

    I'm glad he's at least trying to calm it down. I hope that continues.

  6. I don't think it will change either, unfortunately.

  7. Excellent commentary. I saw the video on another blog, but you have added the right pieces.

  8. Deep and despairing sigh from me... great post Mimi. I feel strengthened by our connections, all of us out here.

    Thank you.

  9. I'd like to morph into the female version of Ichabod Crane. Wake me when the election is over. Truly, I find myself longing to tune it all out and wishing not to know what I already know.

  10. Well, McCain was in Minnesota, so maybe he felt that he had to be "nice."

    But the worst thing for me, is how it shows the seamy underside of our country, what people are really like. It sickens and saddens me, to hear all this, how much hatred etc. there really is out there.

  11. Diane, it's saddening and sickening and not just in Minnesota.

  12. Maximilien Robespierre found out, too late, that if you stoke the mob's hate enough, it won't stop when all your enemies are eliminated; it won't stop until it's consumed you.

  13. Mark, that's exactly right. His mob is already out of his control, yet he still stokes their anger. I don't understand him at all.

  14. That last paragraph is exactly how something like this works....

    The crazies out there will still be amped up, long after the election has ended and especially so if we witness an Obama win.

    It isn't just a matter of getting thru the election. This has set the tone for worrying during the entire presidency.

    The crazies have become far more comfortable showing their true colors.

    They appear to be emboldened. There's nothing good about that.


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