Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not You, Tom!

What was that about? Tom Brokaw, you will not be Secretary of the Treasury. Strange, very strange. What's McCain got against Brokaw? Or was it his lame idea of a joke?

Did McCain give a straight answer to a single question? Maybe so. I may have missed it. He called Obama "that one". Again, he seemed condescending and dismissive of Obama. He appeared quite uncomfortable, too, whereas Obama was cool and in command.

The tee vee talking heads say that McCain needed to hit a knock-out punch to win the debate, and he did not. And that's the way it is.


  1. "That one" floored me! :-0

    [Between that, and the economy---the Japanese Nikkei has plunged 10% as I type---I think John McCain has proverbially "Jumped the Shark"]

  2. John McCain has really disappointed me this year. He's turned into this bitter old man who's running his last race, and is so angry because he can't quite reach the brass ring. It's almost as if he feels entitled to the presidency, and is angry with the voters for not agreeing with him.
    When did public office become an entitlement or a sinecure? He needs to quit spending so much time with Joe Liebermann.

  3. John McCain doesn't seem to be the same person he was a few years ago-he's become just so nasty, angry, and a bit of a weirdo. Obama clearly won this debate, and will make a good president.

  4. JCf, I actually jumped when McCain said that to Brokaw. It was shocking.

    Back in 2000, I respected John McCain. Either he's changed greatly, or I misjudged him back then. I suspect that it's a bit of both.

  5. I think we misjudged him, Mimi. Just the tactics have changed. He refused to shake my hand during the 2000 SC primary, very obviously judging me - rightly - not to be "his sort of person".

    Read the Rolling Stone article that Mimi has linked below under the title "John McCain - From The Dark Into The Light", Counterlight. An eye opener on the real McCain.

  6. So then, his gaydar works well, too, Lapin?

    Here's the link to the article on McCain in Rolling Stone.

  7. Doesn't seem to bother him where hiring a chief-of-staff is concerned, does it Mimi?

    [The uninitiated should google "McCain, chief-of-staff, gay" for a little light in the loafer entertainment. 448,000 google sites.]

    No, I was just looking a bit rough that morning. During presidential primary season candidates for the nomination of any party without a sitting president are just about on every street corner. A national reporter commented that these folks (Obama, Clinton, McCain, etc.) were so accessible it was like they were running for local sheriff. Could kick myself for net getting a photograph with Obama, whose headquarters was three blocks from my house.

  8. That Rolling Stone article is a real eye-opener, no? I read it last week and it shows unequivocally that McCain out-Bushes Bush. Gah!

    Off-topic: I started teaching last night -- the paid gig. It went well, I think. And I turned everyone loose ten minutes early so they could catch the debate…

    Back On-topic:…the debate in which Barack crushed McPoopy.

    Yes, McPoopy. I am here to raise the level of discourse, as usual.

  9. Well, I missed it because I had to go to Choir practice! How far into the "debate" did the 'that one' appear? As I said earlier at MadPriest's place, 'What a twitprick.'

  10. No, I was just looking a bit rough that morning.

    Oh no, Lapin, not you!

    And you didn't get a picture with Obama! You know, I think I'm falling a little in love with him. He's so incredibly COOL. Of course, who wouldn't be next to angry McPoopy (that thanks to our friendly writing facilitator, PJ, who always raises the level of discourse)?

    PJ, I'll need to pop over to see if and what you've written about your paying job.

    For what it's worth, I'm acquainted with someone who worked with folks at the very highest levels of Republican power, and he told me that the White House staff includes many gay folks. In fact, the whole Republican power structure is full of gay people.

  11. I found McCain's performance last night to be appalling. The "that one" only put his attitude into words. He looks more and more like one of those strangers who people warn children to stay away from, tottering around his front yard half-talking to himself, and with an unquiet mixture of hunger and fear in his eyes. I would not trust this erratic character with the Presidency. Palin only adds icing to the cake, and I won't in the interest of charity say what kind of cake and what kind of icing.

  12. Susan, it was not what I would call a debate. They haven't been debates for along time. I can't recall when "that one" happened, because I've seen so many replays of the moment. I think it was fairly early in the program. OCICBW.

    Tobias, bullseye! I'm sure we're all disappointed that we won't hear about Palin's cake and icing.

    Obama and Michelle stayed around talking to the audience for about 15 minutes, as the McCains made a quick getaway. They're not afraid of interacting with ordinary folks.

    Someone must have called in to MSNBC to ask why the cameras weren't showing the McCains, but they had flown the coop.

  13. ps When I first saw the header, I thought you were abusing your husband again.

  14. Oh, so you noticed the red mark on my Tom's head in the restaurant picture.

  15. Noticed and was rude enough to comment upon.


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