Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day Of Prayer For Congo

"O God of peace and abundant life,
You call peacemakers your children.
Let your Holy Spirit guide and govern all those who are making peace
in Congo,
and give them success,
So that all your people may have that abundant life promised through
your beloved Son, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the same Spirit, one God in Holy

I'm late, very late with this post, and I nearly broke my promise to Fr. Scott.

From Scott's blog:

Episcopal Relief and Development is sending aid. Please encourage people to help in any way they can — prayer first, but also material help as well. (For information on sending direct help, click link above to ERD.)

Here is a short documentary (11+ minutes) on the underlying issues that have led
to what is called "The Third World War." Five million have already


  1. My dear grandmere, I took the promise for the fact. I dared devote part of today's sermon to the subject. I must say, I'm always amazed at the response to preaching hard truth. There are noddings of heads, and there are also nasty e mail follow-ups. It would seem that many of us don't recognize our amazing relative wealth.

    Thanks. It would have been plenty enough if you had just prayed, but this post is a true honor.

  2. Scott, in honor of the suffering people of Congo.


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