Friday, November 28, 2008

An Old Picture Of Me From Another Life

You didn't know that I was once in the movie business, did you? B-movies, I believe they were called, but I think that was a bit unfair. They seemed fine to me. I'm on the right in my Whirlpool Hollywood-Maxwell Bra. And I'm on the left holding the guy down with a gun. I can't quite remember the plot, but I'm wondering if the bra didn't do it for me, and the only way I could get a man was with a gun, although Annie Oakley says otherwise. My arm around his neck seems more fond than hostile, don't you think? You'll note that the movie is in color, too.

The picture is blurry, but if you click on it you'll get a clearer view. The words on the left say:


Renz found the poster of the old movie and very kindly sent it to me.

UPDATE: I keep trying to get the poster clearer, but on second and third thought, it may be better left blurry. Clarity here may not fall into the category of "a good thing".


  1. Our mamas tried to warn us about those swamp women (but to no avail!)

  2. Mimi, you are a woman of constant surprises.

  3. Susan, you would not believe the time required in the make-up department to get the eyebrows just right.

  4. Heh: Mimi, it also says

    Filmed in the beauty and danger of the reptile infested Louisiana Bayous!

    I really liked Beverly Garland (the 3rd named "star" of this classic *g*). She did a lot of TV in the 1970s (from which I remember her. Always very sexy---great voice!---but frequently a Bad Girl. The kind Colombo would find out in the end was the murderess, for example). Strangely enough, though, I can't tell which woman in the poster she is.

  5. JCF, I believe that it would have to be the one on the right, which would then mean that I have forgotten who I am. I remember her, too. We is old.

  6. That's right, Susan. She came in toward the end of the series as the second wife.

  7. Really!? Or am I just trying to fish a hook out of my cheek.

    If so, Grandmere --I want to learn that squeeze eyed look of yours!

  8. Margaret, the lessons don't work unless we're face to face. Maybe one day....

  9. My goodness. What a hoot!

    (I'm seriously impressed, actually!)

  10. You (and perhaps the makeup department, or maybe costumes) gave that movie whatever class it had, cher Mimi.

  11. Now, now, Johnieb, it could be one of those classic it's-so-bad-it's-good movies.

  12. Wow I know a movie star queen. B grade movies are always the best you know - they always have easy to follow plots, they're always clean, and have happy endings. The woman in the middle looks like she's trying to be Lauren Becall (sic?). What perky boobs you have Grandmere (and what big teeth you have Grandmere and ...). I always knew you were a star!

  13. Steph, in those days, if we had any boobs at all, they were perky due to the magic of the bras.

  14. yes - the ones as enormous as corsets! I'm just a titless braless hippie!

  15. We is old.

    Thanks, Mimi, I needed that.


    [Have I mentioned I've been carded in the past year? Yes, I'm that vain. ;-)]

  16. Whoa. Mercy.

    Like those tight blouses, and the magic of, errr...supportive, old-fashioned undergarments ;)

  17. Steph, I'm not quite titless, but, around the house, I'm often braless (but covered, I should add). The damn things are uncomfortable.

    JCF, my apologies, love.

    David, look away before you sin.


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