Tuesday, November 4, 2008


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  1. Grandmere --I just went and voted. I stood in line for all of 30 seconds, and was out the door in less than 5 minutes.

    However, getting through the door was awful. There were McCain signs every three feet up to within the legal limit (40 feet) of the door. It was pretty awful.... mentioned how intimidating it was when I got inside, and the guy at the door got pretty upset with me.... this, after I got two calls yesterday telling me to go to a different polling station... but, no, I was in the correct place after all. It might be that Virginia is going to be pretty much a mess. I hope and pray not. Sigh.....

  2. Margaret, it's scary to hear about the phone calls to go to a different polling place. People are getting flyers telling them that election day was changed to Nov. 5.

    I hope those intimidating people with their McCain signs serve to change minds at the last minute and get folks to vote for Obama.

    I pray Virginia is not a mess.

  3. The polling place here was very crowded, but very well organized. I don't think I had to wait more than 15 minutes to vote. The crowd was overwhelmingly young, almost all 20 somethings. This is the first time that I've ever seen kids outnumber the oldsters (and overwhelmingly) at a polling place. I felt old. The election officials and volunteers were relaxed and friendly despite the crowds.

    Keeping my fingers crossed, but it looks very good so far.

  4. Good news, Counterlight! I doubt that those young folks are voting for McCain.

  5. I voted early, so I don't have a story today. Here's my earlier account.

  6. I hope and pray that you get the change Grandmère. I shall be rising early tomorrow to hear the results coming in althouhg I hope it is all cut and dried by then.

  7. TheMe, thanks. Did I say that I am an emotional wreck?

  8. ((((((((Mimi)))))))))) who is not an emotional wreck- just a strong southern lady exhausted by hope!

    but what hope!

    praying my way through the day with my eyes and heart set on sheer wonder!

    love and prayers from north of the 49th chere Mimi


  9. Cher David, merci. I'm almost afraid to hope.

  10. Chere Mimi
    Hope, as we both know as people of faith, is nothing short of a gigantic act of faith. If you look back dear friend, you'll see that hope, as tattered as it might have been at times, is the story of your brave life.

    So hope away, dear friend!

    As the blessed Bishop of New Hampshire has reminded me more than once we are a people of hope- called out of fear, alive in hope.



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