Wednesday, December 10, 2008


To save the economy - in 2009 the government will start deporting all of the weird people.

I started crying when I thought of you.
Run, my friend, RUN !!!!

What can I say....someone sent it to me! I'm not going alone.

From my dear friend and admirer, Doug.


  1. Susan, that is an excellent question. Perhaps we could all invade England. We'd hardly be noticed there. Then, too, there's the superior dental care under the National Health Service.

    On the minus side, we would need to learn the language.

  2. Susan, sorry. I misread your question as, "Where will we go?"

    Surely, anyone who hangs around here is in danger of being rounded up with the weird. It's guilt by association all over again.

  3. The question is, if they deport all the weird people, would you want to stay?

  4. Wilfried, I think not. It would be no fun.

  5. Ha! I beat them to it. I have 2 spare rooms if any of my fellow weird ones need them.

  6. Sara, that would be exciting if we'd all descend on China. Could w get visas?

  7. Renz, as I understand it, the snakes and insects thing is all about health. For example, if you have eye or circulatory problems, you eat snake soup. You wouldn't have to eat them all the time. It's finding a peanut butter and puppy sandwich in my lunchbox that would keep me from moving East.

  8. Mimi - Visas are no problem now that the Olympics are over. Y'all come on!

    Renz - I'm not sure what the bugs are good for. Goose tongue is to help you speak better, lord knows I don't need any more of those. It's the misc. animal guts that gross me out. Rabbit heads are pretty disgusting too. When cooked, they look like rat heads.

    BD- I've got strawberry jam, no worries! One of the first things I learned to say in Chinese was "no dog". Although, if one of mine doesn't start behaving, he could be dinner. Most of the people I have met look horrified when you ask if they eat dog. We actually saw more people raising dogs and eating them when we lived in Indonesia. Know any good Springer Spaniel recipes?

  9. True confession: I actually ordered dog (listed as "K-9 Adobo" on the menu) in a restaurant in the Philippines when I was in the Navy (I think I was trying to impress the hooker I was with -- I mean, "my girlfriend."). Luckily, they were out of it.

    I was told later that dog is typically eaten by men at late-night card games, and that it's washed down with shots of liquor to cut the grease. It's a manly man sort of thing.

  10. Oh, come on. I ate dog and monkey in the Philippines. Carne es carne.

    But where the heck am i going to go? I'm already outside the U.S.A.!

  11. China, though a profoundly weird place in some respects in its own right, is not particularly weird friendly. I think we'd all need to move to Amsterdam or something.

    I've eaten snake, no biggie. Snakes in Taiwan are a manly man thing. The drink the bile in wine, which supposedly enhances virility. It looked revolting.

    The only place I've been confronted by terrestrial creatures with more than four legs was in Cambodia, which included big, rather pretty, green beetles, and great big black hairy ass roasted spiders. I stop at bugs. I was also taken to a restaurant for fruit bat, but alas they were out that night.


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