Friday, January 30, 2009

Quote Of The Day

From the TimesOnline.

Father Floriano Abrahamowicz, head of the [S]ociety [of Saint Pius X] in Treviso in northeast Italy, told a local paper: "I know that gas chambers existed as a means to disinfect. But I cannot say for sure if they killed anyone, because I really haven't looked into it." His remarks were widely reported in the Italian media.

I dunno. Maybe Father Floriano should have "looked into it" before he spoke out.

Father Floriano's bishop, Richard Williamson, recently stated on Swedish TV, "I believe there were no gas chambers."

Which is it? No gas chambers, or gas chambers for the purpose of disinfection?

The excommunication of the society's members was recently lifted by Pope Benedict XVI.

A long time ago, Gerturde Stein said, "There is no pope."


  1. I disliked the previous pope, despite my mother referring to him as a "poor old thing"- she was older :-). The position of pope was the main reason I decided not to convert despite living in an evangelical anglican diocese. I am so glad I did not. The present incumbent is a foolish, hateful old man. As an almost 65 year old, happy to be retired and take life easy, I am unable to understand why men in their 80's want to hold onto reins of power.

  2. Brian, I left Rome 14 years ago, but had I not left then, I would surely have left by now for numerous reasons. However, I am grateful to those who stay to fight the good fight from within.

  3. A scary thing about this is the priest's surname.

    Don't you mean "Gerturd"?

  4. Lapin, Stein certainly had ISSUES, but I've long admired the quote.

    There's much that's creepy about those folks, including the priest's name.

  5. I was referring to your spelling it "Gerturde".

  6. LOL, I didn't even notice. If I change it now, your comment won't make sense. I'll let it be.

  7. With that last name, I think there's a high probability that Father Florian lost some relatives in the Shoah. However, to be fair to him, it's quite possible that they did not die in the gas chambers. It's possible they lived, like my great grandparents, in an area where the Einsatzgruppe were active, and were killed before they ever came close to one of the death camps. (Which is one reason why the only thing definite my mother could tell me about them is "the letters stopped coming".)

  8. This whole thing has been making me ill.

  9. Kishnevi, I don't understand why you suggest that we should be fairer to Fr. Florian.

    Jane, me too.

  10. Sorry, Mimi. I tend to forget that it's rather hard to see how far back in my cheek I've put my tongue when you're talking via a computer screen.

  11. Ya got me Kisnevi. Me! The Queen of Irony. Respect due.


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