Saturday, January 31, 2009

We Will See More Of This

Please read the moving post by Elizabeth Kaeton on the unemployed Tom who went to the parish hall of her church, The Episcopal Church of St. Paul, seeking help. Elizabeth's blog is Telling Secrets.

Two members of our blog community, JCF and JimB, who are both currently without employment, left comments to the post. It's a heartbreaking read all around, and we are likely to hear more and more stories like this, and perhaps go through the experience ourselves or, vicariously, with close family members. And then, there is David, who was recently laid off. It will get worse before it gets better.


  1. I've already read this. It's an excellent post.

  2. Thank you for thinking of me, Mimi. I need all the prayers I can get!!!

  3. It is an excellent post indeed! and it will be worse before it gets any better...

    Only question being, if the Republicans will adjust and heal, or obstruct à la Rush Limbaugh?

  4. JCF, prayers continue.

    Göran, if the Democrats have the will, they can pretty much do what they want. But Obama and the Congress cannot work miracles. It will take time.


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