Friday, February 27, 2009

At The Audubon Zoo

This could be Berani, the orangutan that I posted about a while back, who escaped from his enclosure and stood staring at the spectators for a few minutes before he jumped back in, but I'm not sure. Whoever he is, he gave us quite a show by climbing to the very top of a tall pole and then sliding down a diagonal pole, like a child sliding down a bannister. I hope the pole was well-sanded.

I don't like zoos all that much, because the animals are all in enclosures, no matter how great the effort to make a suitable habitat. While many of them seem quite contented in their enclosures, others do not. One leopard was prowling the perimeters of his, obviously wanting out

The flamingos at the New Orleans zoo are orange, not pink, but still display colorfully.

The gorilla in the fetal position? Or is he just taking a nap?

One of the white alligators. I remember when they were about 8 inches long. I'd guess that they're about 5 feet long now.

And last, but not least, more backsides. The two youngest, climbing a tree.


  1. That was probably the same Orangutan that was posing when he saw cameras. He was really funny.

  2. I visited the Audubon Zoo in 1999. Went by paddle steamer up the river to the back gate and the first exhibit I came upon was the Australian animals (duh). However my main memory is that I planned to catch a Charles St tram back to the city and found I had to walk a long way across a golf course. I thought I would collect a ball to the head at several stages. Very relieved to arrive at the tram stop.

  3. I can't get the song "They all asked for you" out of my head now.

    I love Audubon Park, but I've never visited the zoo there. Maybe next trip!

  4. Lance, so he's a regular show-off. He entertained us very well.

    Brian love, that would be a street car, not a tram, in New Orleans. It's quite a long walk from the zoo to St. Charles Ave. I'm glad you didn't get a ball in the head during your walk.

    Bubs, you'd better get on up to the zoo. They all asked for you, while I was there. "Where's Bubs? Where's Bubs?

  5. My 3 yr old was most impressed with the size of the elephant crap---LOL

  6. Have you, perchance, read The Life of Pi? A Zoo plays a large part in it.

  7. He escaped from his enclosure, took one look at the humans and hopped back in again. Says it all really.

  8. Lance, that's some big crap, all right. We watched a giraffe pee, and he seemed to go on forever.

    Country Parson, I've heard of the book, but I have not read it.

    DP, you can't blame him, can you? The orangutan that we were watching, if it was Berani, was quite a lively creature, and I was trying to imagine what it would have been like to have him on our side of the fence.

  9. I did not get to the zoo last year, but I did in 1990 and I remember the white alligators from back then. Rather ghostly and spooky critters.

    And that visit was when Belle came to live with me.

  10. Ah Belle. And she's not white, is she?

  11. Great pictures, Mimi.

    I think Flamingos get their color from the kind of shell fish they eat. I am almost sure I read that somewhere back in the distant past. I suppose I could Google it, eh?

  12. Susan, thanks. I've heard the same thing about their color being related to diet. I could Google, too, I suppose, but I'm feeling lazy.


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