Thursday, March 5, 2009

Final, Final Word On ABS' Episcopal Church Listing

See Tobias Haller's post on the final resolution of the missing listings for the Episcopal Church on the American Bible Society's website.


  1. we really deserve a separate listing, but hey, something is better than nothing, or "so they say".

    besides, the delightful thing about being TEC is, taken as a whole, the world doesn't care anymore (and hasn't for a couple of decades or so - excepting Presidents who cannot escape St. John's, D.C., and all others who know "what's what")....which means that we can get down to business again...

    there. my inane comment for the week.


  2. Scott, humble layperson that I am, I did not want to be the one to declare what our church should be called at the ABS website. Let someone with more knowledge and authority, like Tobias, make that statement. The matter seems to be settled for the moment, and that is a good thing.

  3. I'd comment but I don't want to embarrass anyone by noting the spelling...

  4. Piskie, LOL! Good thing I wasn't the authority for the listing. I will now use my edit prerogative to fix the spelling. Thank you.


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