Thursday, March 5, 2009

I've Done It More Than Once

Click on the picture to enlarge.

We're a small church, but, when folks who regularly attend one Sunday service, show up at the other service, I've done that very thing. Now when I meet someone whom I think may be a newcomer, I've learned to put my hand out and say, "Hi, I'm June," and stop there.

With thanks to ASBO Jesus.


  1. Thankfully, I've never done that as a pastor, but I have done this as a "incognito summer visitor" at the wee chapel where we have our cottage. Did it once. Never again.

  2. Elizabeth, I suppose that it would be worse for a pastor. I think I may have made it to three times before I learned the lesson.

  3. I once heartily welcomed our Treasurer.

  4. I am known to have greeted a friend with "Oh, you have shaved off your beard!" to which he answered: I did that two years ago...

    ... and it wasn't that I hadn't met him in two years ;=)

    Luckily he is somewhat conventional so he was pretty happy the gaffe wasn't on his side...

  5. Göran, you sound like Grandpère. He'll say to me, "You got a haircut," two weeks after the haircut. Remember, I live with him.

  6. Husband and I get our haircuts from same person, same appointment. Otherwise he'd duplicate Grandpere.

  7. "Remember, I live with him."

    Yea... it must be awful.

    At least I don't have to hear my sotteries ;=)

  8. Yea... it must be awful.

    Göran, he's pretty nice. He does almost all the cooking. I'm not complaining.

  9. Yes, dear Grand'mère, I understand Grand'père is pretty nice. And a Carachter in his own right!


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