Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oyster Is Wicked, Wicked, Wicked

The immature man (by his own admission) who writes at Your Right Hand Thief has outdone himself. Not only has he thought bad thoughts about an innocent post of mine (and during Lent, too!), and committed a string of other sins in a single post, he tells a story about defective flushable wipes.

That reminds me: I recently purchased a box of defective flushable wipes. In what way were they defective? Well... how can I put this? The concentration of "cleansers and emollients" on the wipes exceeded any conceivable household or industrial standard.

That's all I'll quote from the story. You are forewarned. If you're squeamish about stories of (perfectly natural) bodily functions and minor, though painful, maladies, then you may not want to follow the link and read the rest. On the other hand, if you enjoy the occasional laugh at the misfortune of another, then....

Oyster is a New Orleanian by adoption only. Natives of the city are not nearly so wicked.


  1. [Shakes head.] We sometimes click on MP's tunes too. (Though not often.)

  2. He's bad isn't he? I warned you, Paul.

  3. Clearly, since you find this hilarious, some are nearly so wicked. Shocked on two levels - compassion and propriety - that you not only find the incident humorous (how come Webster missed that word?), but that you are brazen enough to 'fess up to it. Even my aunts back in Lancashire, no slouches where vulgarity was concerned, would not have gone so far.

    On the bright side, it took his mind of his hemorroids.

    Wonder how he got the handle Oyster. Hate to think.

  4. Lapin, I'm sorry to shock you. I've met Oyster and he's one of the nicest, kindest, gentlest men that I know. He obviously wrote the story in a humorous way to make folks laugh at his own expense. It's low humor, all right, but very funny, IMHO.

  5. Yes, Mimi, you warned me and I have only myself to blame.

  6. Thanks for the link, and the very kind words, Grandmere Mimi.

    I'm basically a slave to comedy, so when I think something's funny I just can't help myself.

    I'm definitely a transplant to New Orleans, but I've been getting a "blood infusion" for the past dozen years. Many New Orleanians now think I'm from here, which I take as a compliment.

  7. Many New Orleanians now think I'm from here, which I take as a compliment.

    Oyster, it's the water. Even if you buy bottled water, you get the real stuff in the restaurants.


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