Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Day

10:00 AM: Appointment with orthopedist for steroid shots in my knee and my foot to prop up the appendages of this old body for lotsa walkin', because I leave for England next Wednesday. Yes! THE BIG TRIP is getting close! I did not get out of the orthopedist's office until 11:30 AM (he's the doctor of the long waits) which made me late for...

11:00 AM: Appointment with audiologist, who was kind enough to see me, although I did not arrive until 11:45 AM. She did what needed to be done for me there, and I went home to make several important phone calls and eat lunch between phone calls before heading to...

3:15: Appointment with otolaryngologist to have the crap cleaned out of my ears before THE BIG TRIP.

Tomorrow, I have an appointment for a haircut, so that my unruly hair will be easier to manage on THE BIG TRIP, and then I'll be done with appointments, and I can begin to plan what I'll pack for THE BIG TRIP.

I haven't done much online or with email today. Sorry.


  1. You'll probably not have time to relax before you buckle your seat belt on the plane. Have a wonderful time on the BIG TRIP.

  2. Yes, Enjoy.

    Looks like sunny and highs of 59/60 in London starting Sunday though clouds showing up Wednesday.

    Remember the only essential things are your passport and credit card.

  3. MA, no doubt, you are correct.

    Erp, I'll be in the north of England. The extended forecast for Leeds is low 30s to high 50s, very changeable, not much sun, frequent chances of rain.

  4. Yes all the best for the Big Trip. However when caring for my mother I learnt that you never make appointments for more than one medical specialist each day. They seem to be notorious for running late yet their secretaries have little time for patients who arrive late. Eye specialists are the very worst in this regard.

  5. Yeah! THE BIG TRIP. We will be living vicariously through you.

    Erp is right, passport and credit card. They are fairly civilized, you can find most of the modern conveniences should you find you have forgotten something.

  6. So, in your list --I am assuming that your teeth are all in good shape for THE BIG TRIP --I mean, you do want to flash a good American smile and all....

    I hope you borrow a computer or two over there and post something for us Grandmere!

  7. Sara, got passport, got credit card. I hope I don't have to buy anything over there except small things. Everything is so much more expensive.

    Margaret, I thought about having a less-expensive and temporary tooth-whitening job, but I could not squeeze it in. I've teased my English friends so about bad English dentistry that I wanted mine looking sparkling, but it's not to be.

    I may get to an internet café and buy a few minutes of computer time, but I make no promises.

  8. Gee, Mimi, is there a Big Trip in your immediate future? :~). Have you had all your inoculations? It is a foreign country, you know, and there are all sorts of stories about a Mad Priest running amok in the Northern part of the country. A girl can't be too careful, you know.

  9. Elizabeth, I had my shots. It's not only a foreign country, but it's also a dangerous country, or so I'm told on good authority. I hear the MadPriest sometimes gets loose in the Moors. Nevertheless, I'll be brave and continue with my plan to visit the Moors.

  10. Hey, the pound is not as expensive as it was. So you might not be paying as much as you think you are.

  11. $1.00 US is worth .7175 GBP. That's better than I thought. Yay!

  12. The last time I went to England(2007) the pound was $2.00!! I learned before I went that my ATM card was better than Credit card. That way I didn't have to pay the conversion fee(it was 3% at that time) that the credit card charges. I went into a Barclay's and paid a 1.50 pound fee for as many pounds as I wanted. It of course came straight out of my checking acct. and then I had no bill to pay when I got home. I took no GBPs with me except for 30 that I had left over from a trip to Wales 2 years before that. Of course it was a tour and all hotels and 2 meals a day had been paid ahead of time.

  13. I'm glad you'll be all ready.


  15. Mickey, I know. They eat organs. I guess they didn't fully absorb the "Civilization" part of Western Civilization.

  16. sound just like my mom...

    "Life becomes a matter of body-management."

    I'm "resonating" with your excitement about the BIG TRIP. Would you please calm down a little? I'm getting empathically nervous, and it's almost bedtime.


  17. Scott, do you think I'm not nervous? It's the first time I've been out of the country in 10 years, and I'm going alone. I'm thinking, "Let's call the whole thing off!" thoughts.

  18. heh.

    from yesterday's ERD meditation:

    "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5.4)

    'Mostly, we want to stay in our comfort zone. Taking risks pushes us past that, yet it also strengthens us.

    'Get used to being a little scared so that you won't be immoblized by your own fear. Learn some new things now, beofre you need them. God is with you."

    and...btw...add me to your prayer list...I'm ending up in the desert, without much left's just what I want, and it is VERY scary (sorry to be so cryptic; it's just how my M.O. goes).


  19. So uncivilised we only know how to spell it correctly.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I'm so sorry you won't be in London. You could come and worship with us. I'd love to meet you. Buon viaggio! xx

  22. Scott, I thought I'd do a flyover of the deep water, which is not without its own scariness. I'm of the grip-the-armrest-tightly-during-take-off-and-landing school, but after that, I'm pretty much OK, unless we pass through very rough weather.

    I'll pray for you as you approach the desert, Scott.

    Lady Julian for all of us:

    All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

  23. So uncivilised we only know how to spell it correctly.

    TheMe, certainly a matter open to debate.

  24. praying for you as you prepare for your BIG TRIP

  25. Talk about having a major tune up before THE BIG trip. Now to read where exactly you are going. Bon voyage. Too early for the roses in the Queen Mary Gardens at Regents Park.....

  26. My base will be Leeds, where Doorman-Priest lives, and my travels will be day trips to surrounding areas, with more than one to York, a city that I fell in love with in a single day trip, which is only a half hour away by train.

  27. I just want to hear that the skin on your knuckles is healthy, and ready for action, before THE BIG TRIP (what w/ your meeting Crazy Arse n' all... ;-p)

  28. See you in a forthnight at Leeds, Grand'mère!

  29. Göran, I can't wait for the gathering. That should be fun.

  30. JCF, my knuckles are arthritic, but still functional enough for gripping tightly.


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