Thursday, March 12, 2009

From Roseann - A Little Good News

From Roseann at Give Peace A Chance:

A little good news for a change

One of the reasons UAMS turned me down for transplant is the fact that I've had gastric bypass surgery. Gary got online last night and did some research that shows gastric bypass patients actually live longer with a kidney transplant than the general population. Did UAMS just miss those studies? I think they are only interested in low risk transplants because it keeps their numbers looking good. Better numbers, better chances of research grants. Way of the world, huh?

I'd like to call on my blogger friends to help if they can or if they have time to find any research on gastric bypass and kidney transplant. Good or bad it will help make our case.

I will fight as long as God gives me breath and strength and the will to go on. I slept almost 20 hours yesterday
which rested my soul and my heart. I will not give up. I will not go gently until God tells me it is time.

I love you all. You sustain me. You inspire me. I pray for you all daily. Until Terri sings I'm not giving up.

Love, Roseann

Roseann, this is good news. I knew you were a fighter. I knew you would not go gentle. I love you back, my dear friend. Prayers for you and Gary continue. May God bless you both.

To my readers: If you want to send a message to Roseann, whether encouraging or informational, please go to her blog, which is linked above.

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