Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Senator Vitter, Get a Grip!

From The Raw Story:

The Republican senator who found himself on a DC madam's client list is drawing new attention over "impulse control."

After missing a flight last Thursday from Washington to New Orleans, Louisiana Sen. David Vitter opened an armed security door and went off on a United Airlines employee, according to a report filed Wednesday by (paid-restricted) Roll Call.

The door sounded a security alarm.

Oh my! That's not nice, Senator Vitter. Every time you get in the news, your past history of associations with prostitutes comes to the fore. A spell of counseling on "impulse control" might be in order. The "do-you-know-who-I-am" rant was out of order. Get a grip, Senator. You've embarrassed the citizens of Louisiana quite enough.

H/T to IT for the link.

UPDATE: From the Times-Picayune comes a statement from Sen. Vitter about the incident:

"After being delayed on the Senate floor ensuring a vote on my anti-pay-raise amendment and in a rush to make my flight home for town hall meetings the next day, I accidentally went through a wrong door at the gate," Vitter said in a statement. "I did have a conversation with an airline employee, but it was certainly not like this silly gossip column made it out to be."

Oh, well, I guess he's OK, then.

UPDATE 2: Read the comments to the post at TPM.


  1. "Impulse control". So that's what it's called. He'll need to go on an "Impulse Management" Course.


  2. DP, if I get stopped at immigration in England, will the "do-you-know-who-I-am" rant work for me? After all, I'm an internationally known blogger.

  3. Stay classy, Senator Vitter!

    Mimi, I think that one big reason I feel such affection for, and affinity with, Louisiana, has to do with the quality of our lousy and corrupt politicians.

  4. He's a piece of work, all right, and I believe that we may not yet have plumbed the depths.

    Y'all got your share in the great State of Illinois. What's going to happen to Burris?

  5. The holy one, Sen. Vitter, was also the author of an ammendment to the just-passed budget bill (the budget bill which did amend the Bush prohibition on funding birth control) to say that the feds could give $$ to everybody except Planned Parenthood. Wonder what they ever did to him? (his ammendment failed, thank God)

  6. SusanKay, good!

    The local paper said he would introduce a bill to stop the automatic pay raises for Congress. On that issue, we see eye to eye. A stopped clock is right twice a day. We know that one won't go anywhere.

  7. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I agree with Grandmère Mimi, Senator Vitter should get "The Grippe". I expect he's brought home other infections over the years as well...

    When I see him on the Television I always take a shower after.

  8. I can only repeat: Vitter is a piece of work. I can hardly stand to watch him. I (along with many others) was invited to participate in a live telephone town meeting with him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.


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