Thursday, April 30, 2009

Florida Road Sign

UPDATE: Dear me! I forgot to give due credit to Doug. I can't let that happen again. I don't want to lose a good source of material.


  1. They're waiting! Not sure I'd want to even walk or bike down the middle of that road. Reminds me of the time we had an alligator in the carport when we lived in Panama (eons ago).

  2. Amelia, during our rare periods of severe drought, that happens here. The 'gators join the neighborhood.

  3. gives a whole new meaning to hanging out in the 'hood' -- yikes!

  4. If I am to be eaten by fauna, I prefer it to be a nice mammal, like a cougar in the Pacific Northwest, as opposed to a reptile crawling out of a swamp. It just seems wrong.

  5. The 'Hood 'Gator. It has a ring to it.

    KJ, shall I post a prayer request (perhaps to Krishna) to the effect that if your karma is that you are to be eaten by a critter, that it will be a mammal, rather than a reptile?

  6. A major reason why I left the South never to return; reptilian things in swamp water make me phobic.

  7. Counterlight, I don't like being around the reptilian swamp creatures, either, but I seem to be able to avoid them most of the time.

    Mike, a rather risky assumption, indeed.

  8. So I see you don't have many bikers or hikers left, eh?

    Some fat gats, though.

  9. Cany, I wonder what they've been eating.

    Melanie, the sign should continue:

    "If you see alligators on one side of the road, go to the other side, but only if there are no alligators on that side. If a vehicle approaches, and you see alligators on both sides of the road, it's up to you to decide, and we are not responsible."

  10. ...please where can I buy a unicorn?


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