Thursday, April 30, 2009

Update On Tigger, The Cat

When Tigger was at the vet's office a week or so ago, he was diagnosed with an ear infection, along with the polyp growing in his head that will eventually be the end of him. To everyone's surprise, he has made a remarkable recovery as the antibiotics worked to clear up the infection. He is now walking, only occasionally stumbling, and still eating well with hand-feeding and water through a syringe. The polyp presses on his throat, thus making it impossible for him to eat on his own, but he can swallow.

On the way home from school, I asked the kids if they thought that cats went to heaven. Both children said yes. I said, "I think that one day we will all be together with our pets again." My grandson said, "I know it!"

Thanks be to God.

UPDATE: Tigger with my granddaughter.


  1. Thank God for small blessings and the blessings in our lives that come from our pets. Glad to know Tigger is up and about.

  2. I do believe we will see everyone and everything we loved and that loved us. I'm looking forward to it. Glad to know Tigger is hanging in there, and wishing him a pain-free remainder of his life.

  3. I have been praying about Tigger and the kids.

    I love that they feel this way - beautiful.

  4. Thanks all. He had not walked in 6 days. He's unsteady, but he walks. I'll put up a picture when I get home from my walk.

  5. Praying for Tigger and all who love him.

  6. He's beautiful!

    +Maya is by my left wrist, purring.

  7. Sweet Tigger.

    JCF, happy to have seen "Gabrielle", the B&W cat at St. Gregory's abbey today. :-)

  8. Your granddaughter - and here's me thinking how well your figure is holding up.

  9. Jane, +Maya and Tigger would love each other. My granddaughter groomed him yesterday, and afterwards he looked even more handsome than in the picture.

    JCF, "Gabrielle" is a beautiful name. One of these days, I'd like to spend time at St. Gregory's.

    Lapin, it was a lovely thought anyway.

  10. Tigger's family will know when it's the right time to let him go. Until then ... enjoy!

  11. God's blessings be upon Tigger and all the humans who love and care for him. Prayers continue.

    Whitey and the Four Cats

  12. An absence of cats will be a sure sign of Trouble "...with a capitol 'T' ".

  13. The absence of this cat will, indeed, be a sad day, but still remaining will be Wendy, Stormy, and Stormy's mom, whose name is Minou, or something like that, but who is called Stormy's Mama most of the time. Stormy is now nearly twice the size of his mom, who was adopted by the family when she was not fully grown, but pregnant nonetheless. She was a good mama, and she had a great deal of help from Wendy, who could not feed the kittens, but who did just about everything that a good nanny could to help care for them, including licking their little bottoms.

  14. What a lovely cat! Yes, cats go to Heaven. We have several there already... Gato, Spot, another Tigger(who was yellow tabby), Richard the Lion Heart(who had 6 toes on each foot), and Tuptin, the longhair Siamese princess. They await our arrival.

    My love to the grandchildren.

  15. Thanks for the love and prayers. He's walking even better today. I know that I can't get my hopes up for the long term, but, for now, he's good.

  16. JCF, "Gabrielle" is a beautiful name.

    And no one ever said it more beautifully than her partner, Xena (Yup, that's who she's named after. "Xena" is the Tortie-Kitty at the abbey. Extremely cute, but somewhat more feisty than Gabrielle)

    One of these days, I'd like to spend time at St. Gregory's.

    Maybe when LA heat gets excessive, you'll venture to the Kool Blue North? (You'd be very welcome!)

  17. JCF, I know that I'd be welcome. Prior Aelred and I are occasional correspondents.


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