Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In The Mail

Good news! The economic recovery bill that President Obama signed into law in Frbruary 2009 provides for a one-time payment of $250 to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries.

Yay! Grandpère and I will rush out immediately and spend the money on riotous living, thus making our contribution to the economic recovery.

Only one teensy worry. We're concerned that GP may have to pay his money back, because he does not collect a SS check. He spent the greater part of his working life employed by the State of Louisiana, and he did not pay into the SS system for enough years to be eligible.

In truth, I'll use mine to help pay for my expensive trip to England.


  1. We haven't gotten the letter yet. Maybe it will come today, but we live further away from DC than you do, so it might take 3 or 4 days more to get here. I was wondering if something would be done for us'ns!

  2. Now, Susan, I don't want to start a panic or anything.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lucky you
    Last december our government paid $1400 to all single ($1200 to each of a couple) old age pensioners or those on health cards. Still being <65 at that time I was ineligible. Now they are paying $900 each to all who put in a tax return last year and earnt less than $80,000. I thought whoopee but discovered that as I received all tax back due to my low income I am ineligible :-(. And I had been happy as it was the first time in over 40 years that I had not paid tax.

  5. "Riotous living" sounds quite interesting. . . .

  6. Brian, poor baby. You can't win, can you?

    Jan, you have no idea!

  7. When I got to collect my first Social Security check and they tell me there is no money left, not I'll know to blame GP.

  8. My mother got her letter last week (does that mean we folks in Florida are more important than other parts of the country?), so I went and reread it now. It seems to be saying that the $250 will be sent to any retirees who receive a Social Security check or SSI benefits or VA benefits or Railroad Retirement benefits. Which means that if Grandpere doesn't receive any of those four, he won't get a check.
    So he needn't worry about having to pay the government back.

    Of course, he also won't get to spend $250 on riotous living.

  9. I haven't received that letter either. Sure could use 250.

  10. KJ, you do that. Blame it on GP. He'll never know.

    Kishnevi, GP got a letter saying that he would. Maybe he won't.

    Piskie, I'm confident that the letter will come.

  11. $250! I'm going to Jazz Fest on Saturday and will try to spend it there.

  12. There was something weird about it being taxable if you didn't spend it. Don't they know money is fungible? Doesn't make sense.

  13. Well, I haven't got my check yet, so I may have spoken prematurely. Shouldn't have counted those chickens.

    Ormonde, way to go!

    SusanKay, how would the powers know whether you spent it?

  14. I got my letter today! It seems my check will arrive in the latter part of May, which gives me some time to think about the variety of riotous living options before me. Here in Baltimore, you can actually have some fun for $250, even more so if hubby gets $250 as well.

    Or it could go towards paying for that new water heater.

    We'll have to compare notes once the money is actually in our hands.

  15. So Mr Susan S. got his but I didn't get mine! Not fair! It's my birthday, dammit!

  16. Happy Birthday, Susan. It's not fair!


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