Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fox News, Folks - Unbelievable!

Go, Shepherd Smith! Smith uses one of my (mostly) banned words, but I allow it because of the genuine outrage that provoked his righteous use of the word.

H/T to Digby via Oyster.


  1. "I'm not saying whether torture is right or wrong,..."

    Are you f**king kidding me?!?!?!

  2. Many things are ¨F´ing wrong¨ we are America and we´ve been doing ¨F´ing wrong¨ actions against others, both home and abroad, forever...I think he´s slapping the desk because he´s a fool...he doesn´t want to know the reality of how many murders (tens of thousands) were caused in Central America thanks to ¨American¨ righteousness...only the tip of a very red iceberg that he could do something about if he stopped with the pridefilled denial or REAL!

  3. I loved his "oops" afterward, no doubt when his producer whispered into his ear piece!

    I do love that he was so unequivocal about torture just not being acceptable.

  4. Leo, I know, I know. But give Shepherd the credit that's due him when he gets it right. He did the right thing after Katrina and the federal flood, too, when the anchor in the studio kept saying that things were not that bad. He was on the scene and flipped out at Geraldo, I believe it was, and said, "No, you are wrong! I'm here. I see how bad it is."

  5. Holy shit!

    That was fuckin' awesome!

    and on God's Own News Network!

  6. We ARE America!!! Why do we have to lower our standards to meet the world's standards!

  7. Doxy, there are those who believe that if torture works, it's okay. The "Does it work?" argument is only an issue because the consensus amongst experienced interrogators is that it does not work. It's a distraction from the task at hand, which is to secure useful information.

    Torture is always morally wrong, even if the truth were that it worked.

  8. Shepard is right. Torture is WRONG!!

  9. More righteous outrage in Frm Gen. Janis Karpinski's interview on Countdown last night.

  10. Not my favorite word, but very effective, appropriate use of it. Seems to me that we were taught at an early age, the end does not justify the means. What happened?

  11. "Seems to me that we were taught at an early age, the end does not justify the means. What happened?"



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