Sunday, April 26, 2009

My First Communion Boy

Pictured above is my youngest grandson on the occasion of his First Communion in the Roman Catholic Church. He's thumbing through his gift from Mimi and Grandpère, a Star Wars dictionary, which he adored. The tradition is to give the children something pious like a rosary, a cross, a Bible, etc. I wanted to give him a Bible, but, as usual, I wasn't organized in time to buy a suitable Bible online, and none were to be found in my area. There was a "God's Warrior Bible", but that did not appeal to me. I settled for the Star Wars book, so as not to be at the ceremony empty-handed. Not pious at all. Or is it? Well, it could be. I found out what the rest of the family gave him, and he did not get a Bible, so he'll get one from us - later.

All the children looked so sweet and holy. My GS answered not one, but TWO questions from the priest, both correctly. He was quite proud, as was his grandmother.

Fr. Irish is no longer the pastor of their church - Fr. Irish, of the request for applause for President Bush during the sermon and the unusual liturgies with "Hail Marys" in the middle of the Eucharistic prayer, lost his work permit and had to return to Ireland. I'm sure the bishop will miss him, as there is a serious shortage of priests here.

May God bless all the children and draw them close through the precious gift of the Holy Eucharist.


  1. In 1983 I fetched up on the shores of Alcoholics Anonymous, drunk, disorderly, and with no concept of a Higher Power whatsoever. The original Star Wars was quite recent, and when my sponsor told me I needed to find within myself a Power greater than myself. Trinity was way too complex, tho' that was what I grew up with. I told my sponsor that The Force was my Higher Power. The Force remained with me until I was well enough to build on that simple foundation. I have not had a drink since and that is to my Higher Power's credit not mine. So a Star Wars Dictionary is indeed a spiritual gift.

  2. Pat! You made my day! I was feeling a tad inadequate.

    Wow! What a wonderful story. May the Force continue to be with you for another 26 + years.

  3. "Yes, Luke, surrender to the Force."

  4. I love the AA story by Pat and how it fits today with your gift...the love the gift was given with (not to mention the large measure of imagination for the joy of the recipient)...Love is God, God is Love and when I washed up on the shores of AA it was because, alone and drunk, I cried out for God to ¨save me from this¨ Bible no noth´n just me, drunk on my own living room floor, middle of the night, with two Cocker Spaniels watching me get LOVED...naturally, God did his biggie miracle on me when I was so drunk I didn´t even see the burning bush part...IS THAT LOVE? Yes, and your grandsons got love´s all in the invisible part.

  5. Yes, Leonardo Ricardo is right about love being the central point. And I am sure your grandson is loved.

    Thanks for sharing this big day with us! Blessings on all the youngsters.

  6. See your GS is looking at pictures of RC priests .....

    Last year I was invited to the Confirmation of a young lad from this village at his school. I gave him a pair of Dr. Who "Dalek" cuff-links! He was the envy of his classmates who had received the usual religious tat.

  7. It is a very important day and I think the Star Wars book was most appropriate. After all communion is a reminder of the struggle of good against evil and good wins. Always.

  8. I remember years ago when I worked in a Judaica shop, an old man spent a long time looking at kiddush cups, talisim, and other possible pious gifts for his grandson on his bar mitzvah. Finally, he asked, "do you think he'd like a new talith, or a new surf board?" I told him to get the surf board.

    May the Force be with your Grand Son.

  9. When my daughter was christened aged 1 two of her godmothers tried to work out whether one or the other had already bought "The Book".

    Both confessed to having bought "The Book" and my daughter now has two very treasured collections of Winnie the Pooh stories and poems.

  10. Oh, thank you all. I feel so much better. It is about love, isn't it?

    SR, you are wicked. I wonder if Fr. Irish lost his work permit because of bad liturgies.

    And it's all right if we don't always follow the traditions.

  11. a very good choice I think. One that he will probably enjoy much more than a box of Bibles.

  12. All in all, the book was an excellent choice. I'm still getting him a Bible, but he won't greet that with the same joy and excitement as the Star Wars book, I'm sure.


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