Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pray For Roseann

Mimi, Roseann is back in the hospital. The nausea was very bad and now her electroytes are out of wack, so the doctor's are attempting to get that under control.

She is very distressed about this.


I'm sure that Roseann is distressed. I would be, too. It's quite discouraging.

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant Roseann, and give your power of healing to those who minister to her needs, that she may be strengthened in her weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, p.459)


  1. I hope that Roseann can feel our love and concern for her. I know that her illness is frightening and frustrating. prayers continue.

  2. Our devoted group of ladies have her on our prayer list and I have her in my personal prayers.

  3. I'm praying for Roseann. and, because you turned off comments, I'm going to say also, that I do, on occasion, feel the same way about my own blog.

  4. Diane, maybe we get tired, or perhaps we are not good judges of our own work.

    Roseann has said many times that she loves our prayers and concern for her.

  5. joing you in prayer for this dear sister.
    Mimi, everytime there's news of Roseann these days, I end up fighting tears. she has been through so very much.
    and yet I am also deeply grateful to you for keeping us current.
    Merci chere Mimi, je t'embrace


  6. I'm very thankful to Sue for keeping us informed. Every message announcing a setback breaks my heart, because Roseann and Gary have been through a great deal.

    Thank you all.

  7. Sh*te.

    God, heal (HEAL!) Roseann, please???

  8. Sheez! Roseann keeps getting jerked around by her body. So sad. So hard to deal with. For all of us. But she keeps on keeping on. I admire her. And keep the prayers going.


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