Thursday, April 30, 2009

News From Roseann

From Pat-Arkansas:

Hello, Grandmere Mimi

This is Pat-Arkansas, a constant reader of your Wounded Bird blog, but not much one to leave comments. I know you have been keeping up with, and reporting, news on Roseann (thank you very much) so thought I would pass this on to you. You may share this, or not, as you choose. Roseann knows that I am writing to you.

This afternoon I visited Roseann at the hospital in Little Rock. I found her in good cheer (or putting on a really good front). She was so happy to tell me of your and Mad Priest's telephone calls. They did her a world of good and she is so grateful to have such wonderful and caring cyber-friends.

She has developed some additional medical problems (as though she needed anything else on her plate), but I'll let her tell that story should she choose to do so.

I hope to visit her again soon, either in hospital or at home.

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.


Patricia/Pat - Arkansas


  1. Talked to Roseann earlier today. We were both amazed, really, at the community we all have that makes that possible - all of us at this little cluster of blogs.

    I'll phone her again soon.

  2. Pat, thanks for visiting and reporting back to us.

    Ellie, I'm so glad you called. She sounds like the wonderful person she is, doesn't she?

  3. The "assault on heaven" for Roseann, continuing....


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