Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Note From Roseann

Oh happy happy, joy joy. I am back in the hospital. St. Vincent's

I went to dialysis yesterday and everything was fine except I felt slightly irritable. Just that indefinable grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on the inside. Got home and laid down on the couch. The second my head hit the pillow I was out. Then I woke up when Gary got up for work and I had 102.5 temp. So I'm getting the usual protocol of antibiotics, anti-emetics blah blah blah.

The nurses here are so nice and I'm such a familiar face I get teased, "oh no, not you again" and we joke around. Gary stayed with me until 4 and then he had to get to work. By the time he came back and 10 we were both worn out. I can never sleep the first night I'm here so now I'm super sleepy but I know I won't be able to rest until Gary leaves for work.

These little infections just pop up now and then. They are somehow related to my dialysis catheter and we've been lucky that Dr. K can find the right antibiotics quickly. He is getting worried though that it is going to start becoming resistant.

I’m looking at this as just another thing leading me to St. Louis.

Love and hugs, Roseann

I marvel at Roseann's courage. May the love of God heal her in body, mind, and spirit. May God give strength to Roseann and Gary during this difficult time, and may God's peace that passes understanding keep their minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

Thanks to Sue for sending Roseann's note.


  1. Prayers for Roseanne!
    Does anyone know what happened about Gary's shoulder?

  2. Erika, I haven't heard anything more. Gary is working, so I hope his shoulder is better.

  3. I'll ask. They were waiting for an MRI to be done.

  4. There is nothing new concerning the shoulder.

  5. Suzanne, thanks for keeping us informed. I greatly appreciate your efforts.


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