Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Please Pray For Tigger

Tigger is my son's cat. He is old and has an inoperable tumor or polyp growing in his head that puts pressure on his brain. Some days, he doesn't walk at all, and some days he tries and manages a few steps before he falls. His appetite is still good, but he must be hand-fed soft food.

On Wednesday, my grandchildren will come to be with their dad, and when they're together they will have a decision to make. Is it time? What about Tig's quality of life?

The children love Tigger. Each day when she gets home from school my granddaughter goes straight to hand-feed Tig. Whatever they decide, it's tough on all of them right now, including poor Tig.


  1. will be praying for Tigger and also for your son's family.

  2. My four cats and I will pray for Tigger and his humans. This is so sad.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Willy and Betty send their prayers for Tigger.

  5. Isabelle is trying to get at the keyboard. I think she wants to say how sorry she is and she is praying for Tigger.

  6. Joyful and I send our love and prayer to Tigger and her loving family.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about Tigger. I will be praying for Tigger and his family.

  8. So sorry to see this. Love to Tigger and his family. More love for you, Mimi.

  9. I am so sorry to hear of this. Many prayers for your son and kids and for Tigger, so many prayers and so much love.

  10. Thanks for the prayers, my friends. Today is the day when the decision-making process begins for my son and the kids. Tigger is one of four cats in their family.

  11. Oh, poor Tig! And how hard for the children! +Maya and I send love.

  12. Holding them all in loving concern - and praying for a good decision and the best outcome for all. I know how tough this is, as we had to let go of one of our dear cats just a few months ago...

  13. Prayers and best wishes for Tigger and all of you. I remember last January when I put my beloved Hildy (Hildegard) to rest and your comments on Mad Priest's site were particularly comforting. I can say that months later, there is more comfort although the grieving is still there. These are God's creatures and have a special place in God's heart I am sure.

  14. Prayers...


    {{{Tigger's family}}}


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