Saturday, April 11, 2009

Vatican Says "No" To Caroline Kennedy

From the Telegraph:

Vatican sources told Il Giornale that their support for abortion disqualified Ms Kennedy and other Roman Catholics President Barack Obama had been seeking to appoint.

Mr Obama was reportedly seeking to reward John F Kennedy's daughter, who publicly gave her support to his election bid. She had been poised to replace Hillary Clinton as New York senator, but dropped out amid criticism that she lacked enough experience for the job.

The Italian paper said that the Vatican strongly disapproved of Mr Obama's support for abortion and stem cell research. The impasse over the ambassadorial appointment threatens to cloud his meeting with the Pope during a G8 summit in Itay in July.

Posted with no comment in the spirit of the season.


  1. The establishment of diplomatic relations with the Vatican was a Reagan administration sop to the Right. The US got along perfectly well without it for close to 200 years. The arrogance of the "Holy See" continues to bugger belief, but it's their own credibility they're shooting to ribbons, so good luck to 'em - let them go ahead, digging themselves ever deeper into the hole. Clearly they don't feel that they've got enough on their plate right now with the Notre Dame PR fiasco,

    If I were Obama, I'd let the appointment sit unfilled. Only a "vanity" posting anyway. Why give some rich ChristiaNazi of the type that the Vatican craves, a stage for public preening?

  2. Not only should Obama leave the post of Ambassador to the "Holy See" vacant but he should also revoke the credentials of the Nuncio and send him back to the Vatican.

  3. I say leave the post vacant, too.

  4. Catherine in JapanApril 13, 2009 at 7:44 AM

    Ah, the hubris of the Holy See. I am probably being quite naive but I didn't realize that ambassadors were expected to toe the party line of the country to which s/he was being sent.
    Vacant sounds good to me, too!

  5. More on this in today's GuardianSeems the Italian Church has also rejected Douglas Kmiec, a professor of constitutional law at Pepperdine University and former head of the office of legal counsel for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. Kmiec, a Republican, backed Obama in the Fall election.

    "Vatican sources told Italy's Il Giornale newspaper that among those rejected were Caroline Kennedy and two other Roman Catholics who were unacceptable to the pope because they have publicly stood against church dogma."

    Excuse me, but the post is ambassador TO the "Holy" See, not ambassador from it! Leave the position vacant.

    And maybe look into "accessory" child abuse charges against Cardinal Law?

  6. Yes, leave it vacant. I can't figure out why Obama is so concerned.

    I believe Law is safe unless he returns to the US.

  7. Some folks, for that matter, might object to ambassadors who represent former Hitler Youth members or those who passivity (giving them considerable benefit of the doubt here) has enabled and condoned rampant - pardon the term - pedophilia.

    Never forget that these are people who believe that Becket died for a just cause.

  8. Good for Pope Benedict!!! The Church DOES NOT conform to the world, The world needs to corform to the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!! You go Pope Benedict you make us true Catholics proud!!!

  9. Anonymous, if you're so proud, you should name yourself, or, at least, make up a name and sign your comment. I don't allow anonymous comments.


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