Friday, May 8, 2009

"Be Like The Bird"

A dear friend sent me the poem below this morning. She said it made her think of me. I cried when I read it. The poem makes me think of her, too, and of a good many other friends, in real and virtual life. I present it here to you, my visitors, those who comment, and those who don't, and I dedicate it to you.

Be Like the Bird

Be like that bird
Who, pausing in flight,
Feels the bough give way
Beneath her feet
And yet sings,
Knowing she hath wings.

Victor Hugo

I'm at the "farm", no, not the funny farm, Grandpère's childhood home, which is no longer a farm. He loves the place passionately. Me - not so much.

I'm on slow wireless, very slow wireless, frustratingly slow wireless, and my dear friend's poem lifts my spirits out of the frustration.

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