Saturday, May 2, 2009


From Lapin.


  1. Why did I suddenly think of a political party that thinks tax cuts will fix everything? No matter how they "re-brand" they still smell like, well, something.

  2. Is that why Isabelle hates baths so much? She doesn't want to smell like a wet dog.

  3. Paul, last night I watched a couple of the less rabid Republican types, those who are now a little ashamed of their party, and they spouted the same old, same old tax cut crapola.

  4. Amelia, tell Isabelle that dry dogs often smell worse than clean wet dogs. I don't know if that will help.

  5. I don't get it... we smell sweet, wet or dry!

  6. This from an animal that likes to roll around in the smelliest stuff!

  7. Paul said...
    >This from an animal that likes to roll around
    >in the smelliest stuff!

    Hey! My dog is offended here. So am I, I think. He got a bath this morning, actually a shower in the master bedroom shower. He ran through the house dripping, both of us chasing behind with towels, and ended up back in the bedroom. We caught him as he was rolling in my bed. Right where I sleep. Rolling especially on the pillows. So yeah, I think we resemble that remark! :)

  8. Could it be that the canine sense of smell is deficient when it comes to distinguishing bad odors from good?

    I didn't mean to offend my canine friends, least of all the canine bishops, nor their humans, but I'm afraid that my dog, Diana, did not like the post, either.


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