Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Friends Of Jake In Anaheim

IT is exploring the idea of a blogger meet-up in Anaheim, California, during General Convention of the Episcopal Church in July. See Friends of Jake in Anaheim if you are interested.

Sadly, I won't be there except in spirit, but I hope that many of you will be able to gather and get to know one another in real life.


  1. Thanks Grandmere -- this will be for fans of yours too. How we wish you could come to Anaheim - maybe just for one day? Would be so great to see you in a non-virtual reality!

  2. Ann, I'm greatly honored that the gathering will be for my "fans", too. I'd dearly love to be there. In fact, it breaks my heart not to be there. I will miss the gathering in New Jersey in honor of Mickey and Mona, too. I've done too much traveling lately, and my energy and money have run out.

  3. But it IS great to meet, isn't it Grand'mère?

  4. Göran, it is. I'm so pleased that you made our meeting, coming all the way from Sweden.

  5. O, that was nothing (if you don't count going up at 3 AM ;=) but California is a bit far...

  6. Prabably farther than you came, love.

  7. Well, now I'm really upset. Mimi warned us that she wouldn't be able to travel to NJ or CA, but now there's no hope of meeting Göran?

    Oh, woe! I'd rather cash in my plane fare to CA and travel, instead, to Sweden! I was there in the summer of 1967. It's been too long! I'd love to return. And, this time, I'd get to visit with Göran!

  8. Oh no --- no Göran? bummer. Guess we will all have to go to Sweden.

  9. Oh, this is sad. I was going to volunteer at GC, but in March I realized that I just couldn't make the timing work. And it was hard for me to figure out how to budget the costs of travel. I was resigned to not going, but now....

    My sister will be visiting me during the weekend of the NJ reunion, and I won't make that.

    But I have a goddaughter who lives in Germany, so Sweden might work.

    (Most of you have no idea who the heck I am, but Ann knows me from EfM online.)

  10. Göran, I knew that you had an inexpensive flight, but £13!

    Mary, welcome. Any friend of Ann is a friend of mine. We'll be in the same boat about NJ and CA. If you go to Germany, don't miss a visit with Göran.

  11. I sure would like to go, too but I was at our Diocesan Convention here in W. Michigan so I have to let others from our Vestry go.

    BUT I would love to hear from those who are there!

  12. Ciss, I expect that we'll be well-informed about what's happening in Anaheim.


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