Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Now She's Gone

From Doxy:

She was beautiful. Big brown eyes and a veritable mane of dark brown, unruly hair. A crooked tooth gave her a interesting smile.

She was sarcastic and wry. I was always glad that I wasn’t the subject of her witheringly funny scrutiny. She could cut through bullshit in about two seconds flat. You never wondered what she thought about anything--she was always happy to tell you.

She was fiercely loyal to her friends, including me. And she was loving--to her son, to her family and friends, and even to a few people who didn’t deserve it.

She died because, when she started having pain and other symptoms almost five years ago, she didn’t go to the doctor because she couldn’t afford it. What might have been easily curable had it been caught early was a death sentence by the time she was no longer able to bear the pain and dragged herself to the emergency room.

She died because the people in this country are so fucking selfish that they have fought healthcare reform tooth and nail.

Please read Doxy's entire beautiful and furious elegy for her friend, Terri-Lynn.

Excerpts from Terri-Lynn's poem, "Where I'm From":

I am from the wild tangle of honeysuckle
the salt-cured planks of the pier
the cool green sanctuary under the willow tree.

I am from Jesus loves me
just as I am.
I am from dinner on the grounds and I'll fly away oh glory
and Jesus Christ Superstar.

I am from pirates and poets and painters
All of the gifts; none of the glory.
I am from Mason's shrine and Granny's cedar chest,
from Daddy's photographs and Tracy's poems.

May Terri-Lynn rest in peace and rise in glory.

May Terri-Lynn's son find a home where hearts overflow with love and arms open to take him in and embrace him.

May God heal the broken hearts of Terri-Lynn's son and all who loved her and somehow, some way give them peace.

If you felt rage rise in your throat as you read the story, Jane R. in her post titled "Killed By the Health Care System" tells you what you can do to channel your rage into action so this will never happen again.

Lord, have mercy.


  1. Not rage, Grandmere, great sadness... and knowing. I'm uninsured, too.
    This country is cruel to the Terri-Lynn's. The ethic of "I've got mine, and screw you!" is pervasive and knows no boundaries. And it sickens me. And I'm frustrated that those who have the power to make a change sit comfortably in Washington, DC, and state capitals, smug in their "I've got mine!" and taking contributions from those who benefit from keeping our system securely out-of-reach for millions of Terri-Lynns.
    OK... now I'm angry.

  2. Very sad - and evil. Thank God we have another system over here.

  3. SCG, we all should be angry and ashamed. I'm sorry that you are uninsured. That should not be.

    Göran, it's an evil system, surely.

  4. You know, we complain about our national health service but thank goodness it's there.

  5. Petty, thank goodness, indeed, that it's there for you.

  6. I have not stopped thinking about this since yesterday. I am a mix of prayers and tears, fury and anger.

  7. Catherine in JapanMay 28, 2009 at 2:33 AM

    "She died because the people in this country are so fucking selfish that they have fought healthcare reform tooth and nail."
    I absolutely agree. Such selfishness is a cause for shame.
    While there are things that can really bother me about living over here, the universal health care is something I am so, so thankful for.

  8. David G., I'm sorry, luv. That should not be.

    Catherine, all civilized countries should have universal health care. It's disgraceful and shameful that we do not.


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