Wednesday, May 6, 2009

From Ann On Her Grandson

Thanks for all the prayers --- the doctor said the breath holding is nothing to worry about and that he might occasionally have a seizure as a result - - scary but not serious -- -they gave him a brain scan - all is well with that. He will have an eeg but the doctor does not think it will show anything either. He will out grow it.



Good news.

Thanks be to God.


  1. Mimi
    i don't know if it helps, but i used to have a colleague whose son was successfully treated with hypnotherapy for the same breath-holding coping mechanism. in his case too the concern was over physical hurt- particularly when he might be playing sports.

    just a thought


  2. By age 2, I believe that my son had outgrown his breath-holding, but I see that some children go to ages 4-8 before they stop.


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