Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Waxing Gibbous Moon

Tonight, as I walked, I noticed that the night was bright, even away from the street lights. The reason: the sky is clear, and 90.3% of the moon is visible, and it was right above me. Time to throw up post the haiku again.

Waxing gibbous moon
The words themselves a poem
Turning full moon soon

Grandmère Mimi - 2005

"Night", "bright", "light", "right" - all in a few short lines. That's got to mean something. But what?


  1. I noticed her too as I was driving home, this stunning glorious creature floating overhead even before the sun had set.

    I think your poems and my going all dreamy every time I see her means we are both incurable romantics. And who would want to be cured?

    ((( Mimi )))

  2. Mimi I love teaching the phases of the moon to my second and third graders. They go out each night and make observations at home and come back with more than I sent them for...there's just something magical about moonlight. I think I'll borrow your Haiku idea if I have a teaching job next year. 27,000 teachers got RIF'ed in California in March this year.

  3. Paul, not I, for sure.

    Hi Lisa. From my childhood, I've always found the moon fascinating. Back in the day, I delighted in the "man in the moon", the face on the surface. I love the huge, low-hanging harvest moons still. I can well believe that your students give you more information than you ask for.

    I think having kids write haiku is a great way to stir up their creativity and to attract them to poetry.

    I'm sorry to hear about all the lay-offs of teachers in California. I pray that you have a teaching job next year.

  4. It means you're eloquent, Mimi.


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